Re: ACTION-248: Get Mozilla Robustness Practices into FPWD

On 2007-09-18 21:06:00 -0400, Johnathan Nightingale wrote:

> It's late, but I've taken a crack at putting the existing Mozilla
> robustness practices into rec track document language.  The
> original wiki page is here:

> Proposed:
> That the placeholder content in section 7.3 be replaced with:

Excellent, thanks!  This looks lik a good starting point.  I wonder
if it makes sense to break this material down in some more detail,
and map it to individual DOM APIs (however, we shouldn't limit it to
these); it's probably worth discussing this general laundry list
with the WebAPIs WG.

I'll probably have more comments; however, from a quick skim through
this material, I think I can wait with them till we've got an FPWD

> 7.3  APIs exposed to Web content
> User agents commonly allow web content to perform certain manipulations of 
> agent UI and functionality (opening new windows, resizing existing windows, 
> etc.) to permit customization of the user experience.  These manipulations 
> must be properly constrained to prevent malicious sites from concealing or 
> obscuring important elements of the browser interface, or deceiving the user 
> into performing dangerous acts.  This section includes requirements and 
> techniques to address known attacks of this kind.
> 7.3.1  Requirements (Normative)
> * Web user agents MUST prevent web content from obscuring, hiding, or 
> disabling security UI.
> * Web user agents MUST NOT expose programming interfaces which permit 
> installation of software, or execution of privileged code without user 
> intervention.
> 7.3.2   Techniques (Normative)
> * Web user agents SHOULD restrict window sizing and moving operations to the 
> visible desktop, where applicable.  This prevents attacks wherein browser 
> chrome is obscured by moving it off the edges of the visible screen.
> * Web user agents SHOULD NOT allow web content to open new windows with the 
> browser's security UI hidden.  Allowing this operation facilitates 
> picture-in-picture attacks, where artificial chrome (usually indicating a 
> positive security state) is supplied by the web content in place of the 
> hidden UI.
> * Web user agents MUST inform the user and request consent when web content 
> attempts to install or execute software outside of the browser environment.
> ** When informing users of this event, web user agents MUST employ a user 
> interface which prevents immediate click through (e.g. with a briefly 
> disabled OK button.)  This prevents click-through and "whack a mole" attacks 
> where users are encouraged by nuisance elements to continually click in a 
> given location.
> * Web user agents SHOULD use difficult-to-spoof UI elements that cross the 
> chrome-content border where appropriate.
> ** Web user agents MUST prevent web content from overlaying chrome.
> * Web user agents MAY restrict the opening of pop-up windows from web 
> content, particularly those not initiated by user action.  Creating 
> excessive numbers of new popup windows is a technique that can be used to 
> condition users to rapidly dismissing dialogs.  This can be employed in 
> "whack-a-mole" attacks as mentioned above.
> ** Web user agents which offer this restriction SHOULD offer a way to extend 
> permission to individual trusted sites.  Failing to do so encourages users 
> who desire the functionality on certain sites to disable the feature 
> universally.
> I also propose that I buy Mez a beer to apologize for taking so long.
> Cheers,
> J
> ---
> Johnathan Nightingale
> Human Shield

Thomas Roessler, W3C  <>

Received on Wednesday, 19 September 2007 08:45:15 UTC