Re: Agenda: WSC WG weekly 2007-09-19

On 2007-09-19 07:28:04 +0200, Bruno von Niman wrote:

> Will not be able to attend Austin, but the TPAC only and will
> therefore put together some last comments/issues for your
> consideration, if the release schedule of the first public draft
> allows for it (otherwise, we'll address them as comments),

I think I hear you say that you don't think your issues should block
the FPWD.

Note that this is a *First* Public Working Draft, to be followed by
a number of more drafts, toward Last Call, Candidate Rec, and then
Rec.  So, I'd suggest that you raise the issues that you have, and
we work through them in due course, without them blocking the FPWD.

Thomas Roessler, W3C  <>

Received on Wednesday, 19 September 2007 08:24:54 UTC