RE: ISSUE-130 (Trust Anchors): Trust Anchor Consistency Across Devices? [Techniques]

Here is a summary of the discussions

- Disjoint browsers' trust anchors in across devices
- Non TLS-consistency mobile and desktop versions of the same web site

Possible reasons
- Memory limitatios in handled devices 
- Policy made by whoeever decide on trust anchors
- Regional policies - some CA's are better trusted in some countries

Discussed so far 
- Common set of anchors is a panacea
- Most agree that recommendation makes sense but not normative
- Need to agree what the recommendation would be and for whom

Proposal for recommendation

For Web Owners
- Ensure that cert is signed by CA with wide coverage (?)
- TLS consistency across handled and desktop versions

For standards org
- Need for a protocol to manage trust anchors. Could be IETF, XKMS .... 

For Handled vendors
- Allow adding trust-anchor online
- ???


From: []
On Behalf Of Mary Ellen Zurko
Sent: den 31 oktober 2007 16:33
Subject: RE: ISSUE-130 (Trust Anchors): Trust Anchor Consistency Across
Devices? [Techniques]

As we discussed in the meeting today, we're looking for draft proposals
on what to do with this issue. We weren't able to come up with any on
this one. If no one sends any out within a week, we'll close this issue
down. Thanks. 


Received on Wednesday, 31 October 2007 15:55:55 UTC