Strawman favicon proposal from this morning

I'm including the favicon strawman proposal from this morning below.

The purpose is to illustrate what kinds of elements should be really
part of the structure of requirements eventually suggested, in line
with the proposal I made at [1].


Elements marked with an asterisk (*) would be the bare minimum we'd
aim at for an FPWD.

Thomas Roessler, W3C  <>

(*) Title



(*) Applicable to Implementations

	User agent with ability to display bitmap graphics.

(*) Requirement

	Implementations must not display bitmaps from
	[ unverified | unauthenticated ] sources [ near places
	that are designated for trust indicators ].
	[ Verified | authenticated ] sources are defined as ...
	[ Places that are designated for display of trust
	indicators ] are defined as ...
(*) Techniques

	* favicons are not displayed as part the location bar
	* favicons are not displayed along with certificate 
	* favicons are not displayed within 10cm of a security
	* ...


Examples (informational)

	Conforming implementation: 
	* LocationBar^2

	Non-conforming implementation:
	* Current web browsers that display the favicon as part
	  of the location bar.

Use-cases (informational)

Attack resistance / limitations

Usability effect

	* expected user behavior
	* disruption 

Background (informational)


Received on Wednesday, 30 May 2007 12:12:43 UTC