"Old" TLS version mentioned in use cases draft


Skimming through the latest draft I found this:

8.1 Widely deployed, strong cryptography

Since its first deployment, the SSL protocol has undergone multiple  
revisions, culminating in the current TLS/1.0 protocol. [...]

The most recent TLS version is TLS 1.1 (RFC 4346).  GnuTLS and Opera  
8+ are known implementations of this version. IIRC I have seen mention of  
several more being developed or being deployed.

Yngve N. Pettersen
Senior Developer                     Email: yngve@opera.com
Opera Software ASA                   http://www.opera.com/
Phone:  +47 24 16 42 60              Fax:    +47 24 16 40 01

Received on Saturday, 26 May 2007 20:53:46 UTC