Fw: ACTION-105 Propose text on notifiaction / information bar


Mary Ellen Zurko, STSM, IBM Lotus CTO Office       (t/l 333-6389)
Lotus/WPLC Security Strategy and Patent Innovation Architect

----- Forwarded by Mary Ellen Zurko/Westford/IBM on 03/06/2007 08:00 AM 

Mike Beltzner <beltzner@mozilla.com> 
03/06/2007 12:58 AM

Mary Ellen Zurko <Mary_Ellen_Zurko@notesdev.ibm.com>

ACTION-105  Propose text on notifiaction / information bar


Section 9 (http://www.w3.org/TR/wsc-usecases/#what-is-chrome) of the 
note claims to have an "exhaustive list" of indicators in the chrome, 
but it's missing the notification bar (aka: information bar).

Section 9.2.6 should be added to read:


9.2.6 Information bar (aka: notification bar)

Some desktop web browsers use a colored bar called an Information bar 
(or "notification bar") across the top of the web content window to 
communicate with users. These messages are specific to the content of 
the web content window, and usually alert the user to the fact that a 
potentially undesirable action has been suspended, such as the 
automatic installation of software or the opening of a new web 
content window.

While the content of the information bar is controlled by the web 
browser, a convincing replica of this interface can easily be created 
by a malicious web site and placed at the top of their content.


This closes ACTION 105.


Received on Tuesday, 6 March 2007 13:00:17 UTC