Re: Page Security Score proposal

Some good research on this sort of interface for social computing is:

Erickson, T., Smith, D. N., Kellogg, W. A., Laff, M. R., Richards, J. T., 
and Bradner, E. "Socially Translucent Systems: Social Proxies, Persistent 
Conversation, and the Design of 'Babble.'" In Human Factors in Computing 
Systems: The Proceedings of CHI '99. ACM Press, 1999.


Mary Ellen Zurko, STSM, IBM Lotus CTO Office       (t/l 333-6389)
Lotus/WPLC Security Strategy and Patent Innovation Architect

Johnathan Nightingale <> 
Sent by:
06/18/2007 10:23 AM

Stephen Farrell <>
Re: Page Security Score proposal

On 18-Jun-07, at 2:45 AM, Stephen Farrell wrote:

> Second thing - I recall from years ago someone telling me
> about a process-control GUI for a water treatment plant. Apparently
> it was just a colour-circle (like you get in ppt) where the
> current state of the system was a dot that wandered about
> driven by lots of complicate code no-one understood. Apparently
> the users got it though. No idea if that was a dumb or clever
> idea, but I still remember it;-)


Independent of the security score proposal, (where I think it would 
be hard to advocate for something as intuitive-not-declarative as 
this indicator, since it would sort of be saying "let's see how it 
works!") maybe even independent of the WSC group in general, I think 
this would be a really fun thing to explore.  Next F2F, we should 
find some time to hack together a FF extension that does this sort of 
multi-dimensions-as-wandering-dot feedback and see if anything fun 
comes out of it.  I really like the idea of visualizing a complex N- 
space and letting brains figure out what it means over time.

And thanks for the article link!



Johnathan Nightingale
Human Shield

Received on Monday, 25 June 2007 20:57:35 UTC