Re: Agenda: WSC WG distributed meeting, Wednesday, 2007-07-25

My regrets. I have to go into a meeting

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

-----Original Message-----
From: Shawn Duffy <>

Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2007 10:47:50 
To:Mary Ellen Zurko <>
Subject: Re: Agenda: WSC WG distributed meeting, Wednesday, 2007-07-25

Regrets for today's call.  I am at a team offsite meeting.

The most recent changes to the rec doc have been delayed.  I'll have
them completed this weekend.  My apologies.  On a related note, if we
can find a backup editor during the meeting today, please contact me
offline so we can coordinate editing.


Mary Ellen Zurko wrote:
> I'm still digging out from under so no closed action items this week
> either. Look for them for sure next week.
> Web Security Context (WSC) Call Agenda
> Calling information:
> Wednesday, 25 July 2007
> 11:00 am - 12:30 pm Eastern time

> Agenda
> 1. Pick a scribe
> Serge is on deck

> _

> 2. Approve mintues from last meeting

> 3. Agenda bashing
> 4. Demos during WSC calls.
> Audian has some infrastructure we can use; he'll tell us about it.
> 5. Discussion of Revisiting Past Decisions (pastdec)
> Thomas R will lead

> 6. Editing the rec track document
> Shawn will send out mail on the status.
> We could use another editor to help out.
> 7. wsc-usecases progress toward last call
> Let's take it to last call.
> 8. Next meeting - Wednesday, August 8
> We may have had meeting discussions of all topics in the rec track
> document by then. We should look at getting the rec track document to
> FPWD, and also topics that are not in the current draft (Johnathan and I
> both have outstanding actions on robustness that have been waiting for
> the rec track draft to be organized into categories).

shawn duffy -
senior technical security engineer | aol it security
703.265.8273 | AIM: ShawnDuffy1

Received on Wednesday, 25 July 2007 14:53:47 UTC