Agenda: WSC WG distributed meeting, Wednesday, 2007-07-25

I'm still digging out from under so no closed action items this week 
either. Look for them for sure next week. 

Web Security Context (WSC) Call Agenda

Calling information:
Wednesday, 25 July 2007
11:00 am - 12:30 pm Eastern time


1. Pick a scribe
Serge is on deck

2. Approve mintues from last meeting

3. Agenda bashing

4. Demos during WSC calls.
Audian has some infrastructure we can use; he'll tell us about it. 

5. Discussion of Revisiting Past Decisions (pastdec)
Thomas R will lead

6. Editing the rec track document
Shawn will send out mail on the status.
We could use another editor to help out. 

7. wsc-usecases progress toward last call
Let's take it to last call. 

8. Next meeting - Wednesday, August 8
We may have had meeting discussions of all topics in the rec track 
document by then. We should look at getting the rec track document to 
FPWD, and also topics that are not in the current draft (Johnathan and I 
both have outstanding actions on robustness that have been waiting for the 
rec track draft to be organized into categories). 

Received on Tuesday, 24 July 2007 16:37:29 UTC