RE: ACTION 238: Create and Document Usability Testing Plan

I agree with Mez's comments



From: [] On
Behalf Of Mary Ellen Zurko
Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2007 2:50 PM
Cc: W3 Work Group
Subject: Re: ACTION 238: Create and Document Usability Testing Plan


"Can users distinguish chrome from content?"

I'm glad you call that out separately. I'd like to talk about what impact
studying that may or may not have. It's my opinion that we will (and should)
make recommendations on the primary SCI in read only mode. This is based on
a couple things. Team conversations seemed to provide the consensus that
there are risky situations in read only mode (which means there are trust
decisions that users make on the web from just reading information). Given
that agreement, it is my personal opinion that user agents will display
primary SCIs (as well they should). Given that user agents will display
SCIs, it is our job and duty to provide the best recommendations we can, to
raise the bar as much as possible on the security and utility of primary
SCIs in read only mode. 

So, even if users cannot distinguish chrome from content, I don't see how
that would impact our discussions. Even if it adds proposals around
warnings, I still don't see primary SCIs not appearing after those warnings
(and I mean in the best case the kinds of warnings that studies have shown
have impact on the user). 

"Can users effectively use different "modes"? "

That's a good one too. If, in a limited study, we find or know they cannot,
I'm not sure if that will shift the locus of the discussion. Starting from
the original workshop, and continuing at least into a comment from Phill at
a recent call, the locus of discussion will instead be (I believe) "Can
users learn to effectively use different 'modes'". It is clear that users
can and do learn. Though not necessarily at all what we would try to teach
them. I wonder what evidence we have for what kinds of things users can and
do learn over time. 


(ACTION-238, ACTION-235, ACTION-236, for tracker, in case anyone replies)

ACTION 238: Create and Document Usability Testing Plan


Rachna Dhamija 


W3 Work Group

07/11/2007 12:03 AM


Sent by:




We have started working on a testing plan and will be documenting our work
here (not much yet, but we'll be adding material over the next weeks): 

This does not discharge Action 238, as it is an ongoing action.  Is there a
way to handle this, other than continually changing dates?  I would like to
close Actions 235 and 236, which overlap with this one.

We don't have anything to report on the upcoming call, but may ask for some
time on the next one.


Received on Wednesday, 11 July 2007 19:05:42 UTC