Re: ISSUE-6: User Interface Issues for Mobile Browsing

On 2007-07-03 20:02:13 +0200, Luis Barriga (KI/EAB) wrote:

> ------8X------8X------8X------8X------8X------
> While on the move, Alice suddenly remembers she has to make an urgent
> banking transaction. She has used her mobile browser previously for
> retrieving information from the web, but this time she decides to use
> her phone due to the urgency. She starts her mobile phone browser and
> enters a URL that she recalls having seen on her home desktop browser.
> After some delay, longer than usual, the phone starts showing a page.
> Due to screen size, Alice notices that the layout is somewhat familiar,
> but still not the same as the one in her dekstop. She can't see the full
> URL either. Alice scrolls and spots the link that takes her to the
> transaction page and clicks on it. After some delay, the phone displays
> a page asking her to enter her usual bank credentials. How is Alice to
> know that her bank credentials can be safely entered into the page?
> Destination site
>     no prior interaction, known organization
> Navigation
>     typing
> Intended interaction
>     submission of sensitive information
> Actual interaction
>     submission of sensitive information
> ------8X------8X------8X------8X------8X------

Nice one.  I wonder if we can incorporate this one and then consider
ISSUE-6 closed?

Thomas Roessler, W3C  <>

Received on Wednesday, 11 July 2007 12:11:08 UTC