Re: Use cases in Note

On 2007-01-29 09:35:21 -0500, Mary Ellen Zurko wrote:

> In terms of shortening the Use Cases, I'm wondering if it makes
> sense to reference the Wiki itself for the fuller discussions.
> Thomas, does this make any sense, or is the wiki explicitly
> transitory, and not expected to live as long as the Note? 

The note should be reaonably self-contained; the wiki is a working
tool and not a deliverable.  So I wouldn't object against some
red-framed editor's remark in a draft saying that a particular
section needs updating based on content in the Wiki. However, that
should go away in the next iteration or so.

If people believe that the editor's draft is missing content that is
present in the Wiki, then this is an excellent moment to speak up.

(And we'll need to track these divergencies -- in particular when
they point to disagreements about what should be in our deliverables
and what shouldn't be.)

Thomas Roessler, W3C  <>

Received on Monday, 29 January 2007 17:15:48 UTC