- From: Hallam-Baker, Phillip <pbaker@verisign.com>
- Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2006 08:28:31 -0800
- To: <public-wsc-wg@w3.org>
I am Phill Hallam-Baker, usually refered to as Phill, just don't call me the PHB. I have been doing Web Security now since 93, so its all my fault. I have been with VeriSign since 1997. I have been looking at Internet Crime issues for about 5 years, beginning with spam, then as the phishing problem emerged working on ways to interupt those attacks. I helped VeriSign establish the first commercial anti-phishing takedown service. I also work with our iDefense team which provides intelligence on a wide range of Internet crime. For the past few years I have been promoting the concept 'Secure Internet Letterhead'. Unusually for me this has me acting as a promoter of other people's ideas. The original idea for logos in Certificates was Stefan Santesson, Alex Deacon and co. My main contribution was renaming it and developing the messaging. I also have a couple of blogs. http://dotfuturemanifesto.blogspot.com/ http://blogs.verisign.com/websecurity/
Received on Tuesday, 31 October 2006 16:28:51 UTC