Introduction - Mez

Hi, I'm Mary Ellen Zurko, and I'm chairing this WG. My online vita is at A "vanity search" on my name 
works well too; there aren't a lot of other folks with that name, and 
"Mary Ellen Zurko" is my entire name. I go by "Mary Ellen" or "Mez". 

I've been working on security since 1986. I've worked on human-computer 
interaction before, and (intermittantly) since, then. My expertise in HCI 
is very much secondary to my expertise in security. I've worked in 
research, and on standards, and on products, both version 0 products and 
version N products, bug-fixing, coding, designing, and architecting. My 
top professional interest is user-centered security. My day job is 
responsiblity for security strategy for the products in the 
Lotus/Workplace PortaL and Collaboration (WPLC) division of IBM Software 
Group. I also run the patent program and processes for that division. I'm 
involved in a number of conferences and series, including WWW2007. 


Mary Ellen Zurko, STSM, IBM Lotus CTO Office       (t/l 333-6389)
Lotus/WPLC Security Strategy and Patent Innovation Architect

Received on Thursday, 26 October 2006 19:31:59 UTC