I made a suggestion for the paragraph
Note: Add a paragraph to state:
The WSA work view security as a feature that could be used across the whole web services stack. The
WSA architecture does not conflict with other work that is done in OASIS and W3C WG regarding
security. Some of the work is being standardized and the rest may or may not be standardized.
<Gerald Edgar>
The WSA group views security as a feature that needs to be available across the whole web services stack
regardless of the implementation details. The WSA work is intended to work with the results of other
standards groups in the W3C or under OASIS. Some aspects of security are being standardized, and other
portions may not be. In any case to maximize the benefit of web services using security there needs to be a
consistent basis of it's implementation so that applications can be integrated using web services without
people negotiating the technical details of security, but to use what is seen as a consistent and robust
capability in the context of standards.
</Gerald Edgar>
Gerald W. Edgar, CISSP <Gerald.Edgar@Boeing.com>
Architecture support, BCA IS Architecture
Mailing address:
The Boeing Company, M/S 2R-91
PO Box 3707, Seattle, WA 98124-2207
Opinions expressed in this note may not reflect those of the Boeing Company.
-----Original Message-----
From: Abbie Barbir [mailto:abbieb@nortelnetworks.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2003 8:55
To: Edgar, Gerald; Francis McCabe; Sedukhin, Igor
Cc: public-wsawg-security-tf@w3.org; Champion, Mike; Abbie Barbir
Subject: Hi all,
Hi all,
attached is the -01 version of the security section.
Thanks for the feedback from ge and cfb.
Many thanks for Igor for his contributions.
Please provide feedback, feel very free to scream too.
ps: I have attached zipped html and doc files