Re: SAWSDL and annotating enumerations in simpleTypes

Dear Renzo, 

you can certainly annotate <enumeration> with modelReferences. The
specification does not concretely call out this possibility, but the use
of SAWSDL modelReference annotations is not restricted, they can be used
anywhere in WSDL, XML Schema, or indeed wherever they seem useful.
Schema mapping annotations are somewhat more restricted, but they should
be useful in other schema languages as well, provided they can
accommodate XML extensibility attributes.

Hope it helps,

P.S: Seeing that you are a PhD student, would you care to send us any
papers that you published or will publish, that use SAWSDL? 

On Sun, 2008-01-06 at 02:58 +0100, Renzo Kottmann wrote:
> Hi,
> >From reading the specification and usage guide it is not clear to me
> whether one can annotate enumeration elements within simpleTypes with the
> modelReference attribute and if the techniques of  Bottom Level Annotation
>  and Top Level Annotation hold. My specific use case is the following:
> <simpleType name="marineHabitat" modelReference="envontology#marinehabitat">
>   <restriction base="string">
>     <enumeration value="hot vent"
> modelReference="envontology#marinehabitat"/>
>     <enumeration value="black smoker"
> modelReference="envontology#marinehabitat"/>
>     <enumeration value="unknown" modelReference="unknoenontology#unknown"/>
>   </restriction>
> </simpleType>
> Thanks in advance,
> renzo
> -----------------------
> Renzo Kottmann, PhD student IMPRS-MM
> Microbial Genomics Group Department of Molecular Ecology
> Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology
> Celsiusstr. 1 D-28359 Bremen, Germany
> Phone: +49-(0)421-2028-974
> Fax:   +49-(0)421-2028-580
> -----------------------

Received on Sunday, 6 January 2008 22:16:15 UTC