Report from talking to OWL-S people

Hi all,
last week, we had the European SemWeb Conference here in Innsbruck, and
there was an OWL-S workshop co-located with it [1]. 

At the workshop, David Martin from SRI presented a paper (not yet
online) that showed how OWL-S ties into SAWSDL. As soon as it's online,
I plan to put a link in the implementations report, as this is basically
a spec for OWL-S grounding in SAWSDL, on par with the current WSMO
grounding spec that's already there.

David also suggested that one of the items for future work might be
concrete language recommendations for lifting and lowering; I've added
it to the agenda.

Apart from that, the workshop only discussed the relation between OWL-S
and WSMO - there is work going on at Southampton University (a paper
presented by Terry Payne) on formalizing OWL-S in Z notation, and the
same for WSMO, this work might result in an identification of the
intersection of the two approaches, which might be a useful starting
point for a SWS ontology built for SAWSDL. The authors of that paper are
working on a bigger paper doing the comparison, so we'll see.

I believe that's it for now,


Received on Monday, 11 June 2007 18:13:35 UTC