Re: Draft minutes of telcon 2007/04/03

Hi all,

Regarding the issue with Woden/WSDL4J.
Our SA-WSDL implementation in WSMO4J ( uses XML Parser and 
manipulates DOM. We have a very simple API only for SA-WSDL (we identify 
WSDL elements by XPath). You may see fit in reusing some of our code 

Best Regards,

Jacek Kopecky wrote:
> Hi all, you can see the draft minutes at [1], 
> to be approved at the next telcon.
> [1]
> Please feel free to suggest improvements if you feel 
> the minutes are not accurate or correct.
> Jacek Kopecký

Received on Wednesday, 4 April 2007 10:11:55 UTC