[closed]Re: publication of sawsdl guide
Agenda for SAWSDL telcon 2006/09/12
Agenda for SAWSDL telcon 2006/09/19
Agenda for SAWSDL telcon 2006/09/26
Draft minutes of f2f 2006/08/30-31
Draft minutes of telcon 2006/09/12
Draft minutes of telcon 2006/09/26
issues with the Usage Guide to be resolved before publication
LC Candidate ready for WG review
Move appendix B to Usage Guide?
no plans to ask for i18n review of LC doc
pointer to 30 Aug SPDL talk
publication of sawsdl guide
publication of sawsdl spec
Relationship with WS-MEX
Review and publishing the Usage Guide
SAWSDL UDDI issues resolved
Spec updates
suggested paragraph for 2.2 about alternatives
Suggestion for replacement of first para in 2.2
what I would say to the WS-Mex folks
Last message date: Friday, 29 September 2006 22:37:42 UTC