Re: issue 5

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In my initial viewpoint, there is no relationship at all between annotations from distinct contexts, and the annotations
within one context form a consistent and global annotation of the wsdl document.

Of course, if we choose to be ambitious, we could declare an annotation context as inheriting a previous one, in which
case the new annotation might only declare the references that change or are added wrt. the original.


Jacek Kopecky wrote:
> Laurent, 
> what would be the relationship between annotations within one
> group/context, and what would be the relationship between annotations
> from different groups/contexts on one component?
> Thanks,
> Jacek
> On Mon, 2006-05-29 at 18:55 +0200, Laurent Henocque wrote:
> The context is here to group together all related annotations. This has to to with the "consistency problem" raised by
> other participants.
> Cheers
> Laurent
> Jacek Kopecky wrote:
>>>> Hi Laurent,
>>>> first, I renamed the subject to "issue 5" as actions don't actually
>>>> currently have useful IDs before I edit the minutes.
>>>> I think I understand what the proposal does, I'm summarizing it for
>>>> tomorrow's agenda as
>>>>    - introduce annotationContext with id+author+version+date
>>>>    - put modelReference into one context
>>>>    - multiple schemaMappings within modelReference
>>>> But what I don't quite understand is why you introduce annotation
>>>> context. What would be the meaning of such a thing? What problem would
>>>> it solve?
>>>> Such justifications are necessary if we are to add this new feature to
>>>> our spec. 8-)
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Jacek
>>>> On Fri, 2006-05-26 at 15:15 +0200, Laurent Henocque wrote:
>>>> As a follow up to ACTION 07, I am proposing a simple example of what multiple annotation/multiple mapping/annotation
>>>> contexts might look like. Please accept my apologies for naive errors.
>>>> The change to
>>>> occurs at the begininning (several mentions of "annotationContext" - one contribution thx to virtual Jacek ;-)) and I
>>>> only added model references for the buyBook operation. Each model reference is linked to an annotation context, and
>>>> accepts several distinct mappings.
>>>> I hope this will help to understand my suggestions, and that is is close to something realistic.
>>>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>>>> <wsdl:description targetNamespace=""
>>>>   xmlns:wsdl=""
>>>>   xmlns:xs=""
>>>>   xmlns=""
>>>>   xmlns:sawsdl=""
>>>>   // >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Contex inserted here:
>>>>   <sawsdl:annotationContext id="sawsdlcxt:lh0.0.a" author="Laurent Henocque" version="0.0.alpha" date="06/05/26">
>>>>   <sawsdl:annotationContext id="sawsdlcxt:jk1" author="Jacek Kopecky" version="0.1.b" date="06/05/28">
>>>>   <wsdl:types>
>>>>     <xs:schema targetNamespace=""
>>>>       elementFormDefault="qualified">
>>>>       <xs:element name="BuyBookRequest">
>>>>         <xs:complexType>
>>>>           <xs:all>
>>>>             <xs:element name="customerNo" type="xs:integer" />
>>>>             <xs:element name="order">
>>>>               <xs:complexType>
>>>>                 <xs:sequence minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">
>>>>                   <xs:element name="quantity" type="xs:integer" />
>>>>                   <xs:element name="ISBN" type="xs:string" />
>>>>                 </xs:sequence>
>>>>               </xs:complexType>
>>>>             </xs:element>
>>>>           </xs:all>
>>>>         </xs:complexType>
>>>>       </xs:element>
>>>>       <xs:element name="BuyBookResponse" type="xs:boolean"/>
>>>>     </xs:schema>
>>>>   </wsdl:types>
>>>>   <wsdl:interface name="BookSeller">
>>>>      <wsdl:operation name="buyBook" pattern="">
>>>> 	// >>>>>>>>>>>>>> annotations begin here
>>>> 	<sawsdl:modelReference context="sawsdlcxt:lh0.0.a" ref="">
>>>> 		<sawsdl:schemaMapping="">
>>>> 		<sawsdl:schemaMapping="">
>>>>   	</sawsdl:modelReference
>>>> 	<sawsdl:modelReference context="sawsdlcxt:jk1" ref="">
>>>> 		<sawsdl:schemaMapping="">
>>>> 		<sawsdl:schemaMapping="">
>>>>   	</sawsdl:modelReference>
>>>>         <wsdl:input element="BuyBookRequest"/>
>>>>         <wsdl:output element="BuyBookResponse"/>
>>>>      </wsdl:operation>
>>>>   </wsdl:interface>
>>>> </wsdl:description>
>>>> --
>>>> *************************************************************************
>>>> Laurent Henocque
>>>> Maître de Conférences Hdr
>>>> tel: +33 6 83 88 20 01
>>>> Enseignant à l'Ecole Supérieure d'Ingénieurs de Luminy - Marseille
>>>> Chercheur au Laboratoire des Sciences de l'Information et des Systèmes - Marseille
>>>> clé publique open pgp / open pgp public key :
>>>> ************************************************************************
> --
> *************************************************************************
> Laurent Henocque
> Maître de Conférences Hdr
> tel: +33 6 83 88 20 01
> Enseignant à l'Ecole Supérieure d'Ingénieurs de Luminy - Marseille
> Chercheur au Laboratoire des Sciences de l'Information et des Systèmes - Marseille
> clé publique open pgp / open pgp public key :
> ************************************************************************

- --
Laurent Henocque
Maître de Conférences Hdr
tel: +33 6 83 88 20 01
Enseignant à l'Ecole Supérieure d'Ingénieurs de Luminy - Marseille
Chercheur au Laboratoire des Sciences de l'Information et des Systèmes - Marseille

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Received on Tuesday, 30 May 2006 07:29:55 UTC