Agenda for SAWSDL telcon 2006/12/12

Agenda for SAWSDL telcon 2006/12/12
Dial-in information (member-only) [1]
Zakim instructions [2]


1. Call setup
 - Scribe list: (inactive)  JBD, JL, MK, JH, NG, TP, 
                (active)    AS, CB, EP, TV, PM, SD, BNS, 
                            JF, CP, CV, HL, LH, LF, RA, 
 - Any modifications to agenda?
 - Any other business?

2. Approval of minutes of our last telcon
 - Minutes of last call [1]


3. Action Item Review
 - Action item list [1]


2006-11-14: JacekK to summarize the implementations table into formalized CR
 - pending?

2006-11-21: Eric to upgrade the SPDL page for SAWSDL readers and then work
            things out with the Usage Guide
 - pending?

2006-11-21: EricP to create a SAWSDL-independent namespace for attrExtensions
 - pending?

2006-11-21: Jacek to contact Karthik about issue 32 for him to contribute
            examples for the usage guide
 - done, still no response

2006-11-28: Joel to review Last Call of WS-Policy specs (by Jan 9)
 - pending

2006-11-28: Laurent to send some proposal for "partial SAWSDL files" in
            relation with LC issue 13 
 - pending


4. Administrivia
 - Reminder: canceling telcons Dec 19 and 26, and Jan 2

5. LC issue 13: External semantic annotations [1]
 - no concrete proposals received
 - suggesting to close issue with no changes to the spec
 - basically - rejected as out of scope


6. List of spec features, CR implementation criteria
 - expect an email from me tomorrow that will be basis for this item
 - we will also consider "features at risk"

7. CR publication
 - Last Call issue list at [1], last issue just handled
  - we need to respond to the issues, give commentators time to object
  - but we seem mostly CR-ready
  - we will need diff from LC, and summary of substantial changes [2]
 - Usage guide stable enough for publication as WD at any time
  - any objections to publishing Usage guide as-is when spec goes to CR?
 - Need you to review the spec and vote on proceeding to CR
  - voting questionnaire open at [3]
  - one vote per member company
  - no answer by Dec 20 (end of day, EST) means "no objection", agreed?
  - please vote so we can show active consensus
 - If nobody objects, we'll proceed with publication first thing in January


8. issue 32: Using WS-Policy as part of the semantic model [1]
 - waiting for response from Karthik


9. issue 33: Examples for associating Preconditions and Effects with Web
              Services [1]
 - waiting for concrete text in the usage guide
 - then we can see if we want it there


Received on Monday, 11 December 2006 16:53:49 UTC