RE: draft 3 of WS-Eventing state tables



The following statement helps:


Again, by "state" I mean "What messages can the Subscriber/Event Sink
expect to send and receive in relation to this Subscription?"


According to this definition, I wonder why there is an entry in the
Notification/Creating cell in the first table: 



This means the event sink can receive notifications related to a
subscription before it is created?


Li Li


From: Gilbert Pilz [] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2009 3:46 PM
To: Li, Li (Li)
Subject: Re: draft 3 of WS-Eventing state tables


I don't think these tables define "internal states" so much as
"expectation states" with regards to the messages that the consumer and
the provider can expect to send and receive. For example, an Event
Source cannot expect to send a successful wse:Unsubscribe message for a
Subscription unless that Subscription is in the "Created" state.

The information in these tables is supposed to duplicate the information
that is contained in the normative text of the spec but present it in a
manner that can be easily consumed by developers. A desired side-effect
of the process of constructing these state tables is to flush out any
areas where the spec is unclear about the effects of particular
messages. For example, if a Subscriber sends a wse:Unsubscribe message
and receives a wse:EventSourceUnableToProcess fault in response, what is
the state of the Subscription in question? Again, by "state" I mean
"What messages can the Subscriber/Event Sink expect to send and receive
in relation to this Subscription?" Can it assume that Notifications for
this Subscription will continue to be transmitted by the Event Source?

- gp

On 9/16/2009 7:34 AM, Li, Li (Li) wrote: 

Thanks for updating the tables. As I understood it, the purpose of this
proposal is to enhance interoperability between WS-E web services
without getting into any implementation details. Since these tables
define internal states of SOAP endpoints that are apparently outsides
the scope of web service interfaces, how do you expect these tables be
followed by implementations? In other words, what information in these
tables is not already in or implied by the WS-E spec?
Li Li

Received on Thursday, 17 September 2009 19:12:57 UTC