RE: NEW ISSUE 6463: Attaching Policy to WS-Mex GetMetadata

This issue is about how to bootstrap - i.e. I have the ERP of a service X - how do I get the policy associated with GetMetadata so that I can call GetMetadata to get the metadata (including the policy) about how to use X.

On thinking about this, is this not the reason why metadata was added to the EPR in Addressing?
Somehow the client got the EPR of the service X (via a registry, discovery, config,...).
That EPR should also have have enough metadata in it (e.g. policy) to allow the client to successfully call GetMetadata to then figure out how to finally call the service X.

Does this make sense?  Am I missing something here?

From: [] On Behalf Of Katy Warr
Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2009 6:49 AM
Subject: NEW ISSUE 6463: Attaching Policy to WS-Mex GetMetadata

Potential new issue is here:


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