WWW/2002/ws/ra/edcopies wsmex.html,1.154,1.155 wsmex.xml,1.144,1.145
WWW/2002/ws/ra/test formatResults.xsl,NONE,1.1 testResults.xml,NONE,1.1 2011-02-17-Results.xml,NONE,1.1
WWW/2002/ws/ra/edcopies wsenum.html,1.164,1.165 wsenum.xml,1.155,1.156
WWW/2002/ws/ra/edcopies wsenum.html,1.163,1.164 wsenum.xml,1.154,1.155
[Bug 11790] Mex: serialization of QName could be problematic
WWW/2002/ws/ra/edcopies/ws-mex MetadataExchange.xsd,1.14,1.15
WWW/2002/ws/ra/edcopies wsmex.html,1.153,1.154 wsmex.xml,1.143,1.144
WWW/2002/ws/ra/edcopies wsmex.html,1.152,1.153 wsmex.xml,1.142,1.143
WWW/2002/ws/ra/edcopies/ws-mex metadataexchange.wsdl,1.6,1.7
[Bug 12113] New: MEX: Fix the wsdl actions values
[Bug 12112] New: MaxCharacters behavior is ambiguous
- [Bug 12112] MaxCharacters behavior is ambiguous
- [Bug 12112] MaxCharacters behavior is ambiguous
- [Bug 12112] MaxCharacters behavior is ambiguous
WWW/2002/ws/ra/test scenario.html,1.12,1.13 scenario.xml,1.12,1.13
[Bug 11790] Mex: serialization of QName could be problematic
WWW/2002/ws/ra/edcopies wsenum.html,1.162,1.163 wsenum.xml,1.153,1.154 wseventing.html,1.227,1.228 wseventing.xml,1.219,1.220
WWW/2002/ws/ra/edcopies wsenum.html,1.161,1.162 wsenum.xml,1.152,1.153
WWW/2002/ws/ra/edcopies/ws-enu TimedOut.html,NONE,1.1 enumeration.xsd,1.20,1.21
WWW/2002/ws/ra/edcopies wsenum.html,1.160,1.161 wsenum.xml,1.151,1.152 wseventing.html,1.226,1.227 wseventing.xml,1.218,1.219 wsfrag.html,1.83,1.84 wsfrag.xml,1.80,1.81 wst.html,1.137,1.138 wst.xml,1.135,1.136
[Bug 12093] New: MEX: PutMetadata and dialects/types that don't define identifiers
WWW/2002/ws/ra/edcopies wsfrag.html,1.82,1.83 wsfrag.xml,1.79,1.80
[Bug 11865] MEX: @Dialect and @Identifier do not uniquely identify a metadata "blob"
WWW/2002/ws/ra/edcopies wsmex.html,1.151,1.152 wsmex.xml,1.141,1.142
[Bug 11772] Fragment: Language should be optional
WWW/2002/ws/ra/edcopies wsfrag.html,1.81,1.82 wsfrag.xml,1.78,1.79
WWW/2002/ws/ra/edcopies/ws-fra fragment.xsd,1.4,1.5
WWW/2002/ws/ra/edcopies wst.html,1.136,1.137 wst.xml,1.134,1.135
[Bug 11766] Transfer: create/put text is a bit unclear on schema validation
[Bug 11894] Eventing/Enum: duration in responses
WWW/2002/ws/ra/edcopies wsenum.html,1.159,1.160 wsenum.xml,1.150,1.151 wseventing.html,1.225,1.226 wseventing.xml,1.217,1.218
WWW/2002/ws/ra/edcopies wseventing.html,1.224,1.225 wseventing.xml,1.216,1.217
[Bug 11698] Eventing: Format@Name is ambiguous
[Bug 11766] Transfer: create/put text is a bit unclear on schema validation
WWW/2002/ws/ra/edcopies wsenum.html,1.158,1.159 wsenum.xml,1.149,1.150 wseventing.html,1.223,1.224 wseventing.xml,1.215,1.216
[Bug 11724] Fragment: delete on missing data
WWW/2002/ws/ra/edcopies wsfrag.html,1.80,1.81 wsfrag.xml,1.77,1.78
[Bug 11766] Transfer: create/put text is a bit unclear on schema validation
[Bug 11772] Fragment: Language should be optional
[Bug 11724] Fragment: delete on missing data
[Bug 11894] Eventing/Enum: duration in responses
[Bug 11894] Eventing/Enum: duration in responses
[Bug 11698] Eventing: Format@Name is ambiguous
[Bug 11698] Eventing: Format@Name is ambiguous
[Bug 11865] MEX: @Dialect and @Identifier do not uniquely identify a metadata "blob"
[Bug 11790] Mex: serialization of QName could be problematic
[Bug 11698] Eventing: Format@Name is ambiguous
[Bug 11724] Fragment: delete on missing data
[Bug 11766] Transfer: create/put text is a bit unclear on schema validation
[Bug 11772] Fragment: Language should be optional
[Bug 11790] Mex: serialization of QName could be problematic
[Bug 11865] MEX: @Dialect and @Identifier do not uniquely identify a metadata "blob"
[Bug 11894] Eventing/Enum: duration in responses
WWW/2002/ws/ra/edcopies wsenum.html,1.157,1.158 wsenum.xml,1.148,1.149 wsmex.html,1.150,1.151 wsmex.xml,1.140,1.141
[Bug 12063] New: All: wsp is undefined
- [Bug 12063] All: wsp is undefined
- [Bug 12063] All: wsp is undefined
- [Bug 12063] All: wsp is undefined
[Bug 12051] New: WS-E: Problem with Filter XPath suggestion
- [Bug 12051] WS-E: Problem with Filter XPath suggestion
- [Bug 12051] WS-E: Problem with Filter XPath suggestion
- [Bug 12051] WS-E: Problem with Filter XPath suggestion
- [Bug 12051] WS-E: Problem with Filter XPath suggestion
WWW/2002/ws/ra/test scenario.html,1.11,1.12 scenario.xml,1.11,1.12
[Bug 12042] New: Frag: add more sample xpaths to the table in 4.4
- [Bug 12042] Frag: add more sample xpaths to the table in 4.4
- [Bug 12042] Frag: add more sample xpaths to the table in 4.4
- [Bug 12042] Frag: add more sample xpaths to the table in 4.4
- [Bug 12042] Frag: add more sample xpaths to the table in 4.4
- [Bug 12042] Frag: add more sample xpaths to the table in 4.4
WWW/2002/ws/ra/test scenario.html,1.10,1.11 scenario.xml,1.10,1.11
WWW/2002/ws/ra/test scenario.html,1.9,1.10 scenario.xml,1.9,1.10
WWW/2002/ws/ra/test scenario.html,1.8,1.9 scenario.xml,1.8,1.9
[Bug 11865] MEX: @Dialect and @Identifier do not uniquely identify a metadata "blob"
WWW/2002/ws/ra/test scenario.html,1.7,1.8 scenario.xml,1.7,1.8
WWW/2002/ws/ra/edcopies wsenum.html,1.156,1.157 wsenum.xml,1.147,1.148 wsevd.html,1.23,1.24 wseventing.html,1.222,1.223 wseventing.xml,1.214,1.215 wsfrag.html,1.79,1.80 wsfrag.xml,1.76,1.77 wsmex.html,1.149,1.150 wsmex.xml,1.139,1.140 wssa.html,1.12,1.13 wst.html,1.135,1.136 wst.xml,1.133,1.134
[Bug 11899] All: fault section table is missing both soap versions
WWW/2002/ws/ra/edcopies wsmex-test.html,1.3,NONE wsmex-test.xml,1.1,NONE
WWW/2002/ws/ra/test/scenario animal.xsd,NONE,1.1
[Bug 11990] New: Enum: MaxTime on create is problematic
- [Bug 11990] Enum: MaxTime on create is problematic
- [Bug 11990] Enum: MaxTime on create is problematic
- [Bug 11990] Enum: MaxTime on create is problematic
- [Bug 11990] Enum: MaxTime on create is problematic
- [Bug 11990] Enum: MaxTime on create is problematic
- [Bug 11990] Enum: MaxTime on create is problematic
- [Bug 11990] Enum: MaxTime on create is problematic
- [Bug 11990] Enum: MaxTime on create is problematic
WWW/2002/ws/ra/testing ws-eventing-optionality-analysis-1.2.html,1.2,NONE implementations.html,1.3,NONE ws-enumeration-optionality-analysis.htm,1.2,NONE Transfer_Features.html,1.3,NONE MEX_Features.html,1.2,NONE Frag_Features.html,1.2,NONE
WWW/2002/ws/ra/test scenario.html,1.6,1.7 scenario.xml,1.6,1.7
[Bug 11766] Transfer: create/put text is a bit unclear on schema validation
WWW/2002/ws/ra/test/scenario scenarioSink.wsdl,1.1,1.2 scenarioSource.evd,1.1,1.2
WWW/2002/ws/ra/test scenario.html,1.5,1.6 scenario.xml,1.5,1.6
WWW/2002/ws/ra/test scenario.html,1.4,1.5 scenario.xml,1.4,1.5
WWW/2002/ws/ra/test scenario.html,1.3,1.4 scenario.xml,1.3,1.4
[Bug 11899] All: fault section table is missing both soap versions
WWW/2002/ws/ra/test scenario.html,1.2,1.3 scenario.xml,1.2,1.3
WWW/2002/ws/ra/edcopies/scenario basic_test.jpg,1.1,NONE duration_expiration_test.jpg,1.1,NONE enum_basic_test.jpg,1.1,NONE enum_enumerationend_test.jpg,1.1,NONE enum_expires_test.jpg,1.1,NONE enum_getstatus_test.jpg,1.1,NONE enum_maxtime_test.jpg,1.1,NONE enum_optimized_test.jpg,1.1,NONE enum_release_test.jpg,1.1,NONE enum_renew_test.jpg,1.1,NONE non_addressable_event_sink.jpg,1.1,NONE renew_test.jpg,1.1,NONE scenarioSink.wsdl,1.2,NONE scenarioSource.evd,1.3,NONE subscriptionend.jpg,1.1,NONE
WWW/2002/ws/ra/edcopies scenario.html,1.24,NONE scenario.xml,1.24,NONE spec-tests.css,1.3,NONE spec-tests.html,1.1,NONE spec-tests.xml,1.1,NONE spec-tests.xsl,1.5,NONE
[Bug 11790] Mex: serialization of QName could be problematic
[Bug 11703] Eventing: error on bad filter expression
WWW/2002/ws/ra/edcopies wseventing.html,1.221,1.222 wseventing.xml,1.213,1.214
WWW/2002/ws/ra/edcopies wsenum.html,1.155,1.156 wsenum.xml,1.146,1.147 wseventing.html,1.220,1.221 wseventing.xml,1.212,1.213 wsfrag.html,1.78,1.79 wsfrag.xml,1.75,1.76 wsmex.html,1.148,1.149 wsmex.xml,1.138,1.139 wst.html,1.134,1.135 wst.xml,1.132,1.133
[Bug 11882] WS-E: Missing fault action for soap 1.1 example
[Bug 11874] WS-E: Inconsistent Fault Title
WWW/2002/ws/ra/edcopies wsmex.html,1.147,1.148 wsmex.xml,1.137,1.138
[Bug 11850] MEX needs to clarify "empty" response to GetMetadata
[Bug 11899] All: fault section table is missing both soap versions
[Bug 11766] Transfer: create/put text is a bit unclear on schema validation
[Bug 11899] All: fault section table is missing both soap versions
[Bug 11725] Fragment: unclear on what to do in some cases
[Bug 11776] Enum: inconsistency between Items and Elements
[Bug 11723] Fragment: unclear on which fault to throw for InsertAfter/Before w/attrs
[Bug 11697] All: What fault do we return for syntax errors?
[Bug 11703] Eventing: error on bad filter expression
[Bug 11698] Eventing: Format@Name is ambiguous
[Bug 11790] Mex: serialization of QName could be problematic
[Bug 11850] MEX needs to clarify "empty" response to GetMetadata
[Bug 11928] WS-E: broken eventing.xsd link
[Bug 11899] All: fault section table is missing both soap versions
[Bug 11899] All: fault section table is missing both soap versions
[Bug 11894] Eventing/Enum: duration in responses
[Bug 11882] WS-E: Missing fault action for soap 1.1 example
[Bug 11874] WS-E: Inconsistent Fault Title
[Bug 11949] New: Eventing: runtime detection of filter errors
- [Bug 11949] Eventing: runtime detection of filter errors
- [Bug 11949] Eventing: runtime detection of filter errors
- [Bug 11949] Eventing: runtime detection of filter errors
- [Bug 11949] Eventing: runtime detection of filter errors
- [Bug 11949] Eventing: runtime detection of filter errors
- [Bug 11949] Eventing: runtime detection of filter errors