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Modified Files:
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Log Message:

Index: wsmex.xml
RCS file: /w3ccvs/WWW/2002/ws/ra/edcopies/wsmex.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.89
retrieving revision 1.90
diff -u -d -r1.89 -r1.90
--- wsmex.xml	28 Jan 2010 05:06:45 -0000	1.89
+++ wsmex.xml	29 Jan 2010 03:14:39 -0000	1.90
@@ -1203,62 +1203,65 @@
   <div1 id="Metadata-in-Endpoint-References">
    <head>Metadata in Endpoint References</head>
-   <p>
-    The issuer of a service endpoint 
-    reference MAY include metadata for that service inside 
-    the endpoint reference itself. This mechanism 
-    simplifies the bootstrapping of the service interaction on the 
-    requester side by avoiding additional calls to retrieve 
-    the Web service metadata for the service endpoint.
-   </p>  
-   <p>
-    Embedding a mex:Metadata element inside an endpoint reference allows 
-    the issuer of the endpoint reference to include metadata by value 
-    or by reference, according to the options described in 
-    <specref ref="web-services-metadata"/>. 
-    The outline of a <bibref ref='AddrCore'/> endpoint reference which 
-    includes Web services metadata is as follows:
-   </p>
-   <example>
-    <eg>&lt;wsa:EndpointReference ...>
-    &lt;wsa:Address>xs:anyURI&lt;/wsa:Address>
-    &lt;wsa:ReferenceParameters> <emph>xs:any</emph>* lt;/wsa:ReferenceParameters> ?
-    &lt;wsa:Metadata>
-        &lt;mex:Metadata ...> ... &lt;/mex:Metadata>*
-        <emph>xs:any</emph>*
-    &lt;/wsa:Metadata> ?
-    <emph>xs:any</emph>*
-   </example>
-   <glist>
-    <gitem>
-     <label> /wsa:EndpointReference/wsa:Metadata/mex:Metadata </label>
-     <def>
-      <p>
-       This repeating OPTIONAL element MAY appear as a direct child of
-       the wsa:Metadata endpoint reference element.
-       Note: It MAY also be possible to combine multiple mex:Metadata
-       elements into one mex:Metadata element, however, it is RECOMMENDED
-       that multiple mex:Metadata elements be used.
-      </p>
-     </def>
-    </gitem>
-   </glist>
+   <div2 id="EPRwithMEX">
+    <head>Endpoint References Containing mex:Metadata</head>
-   <p>
-    In example <specref ref="EPRMEX"/>, a <bibref ref='AddrCore'/> 
-    endpoint reference contains WSDL metadata by value that identifies 
-    the binding used to access the service endpoint:
-   </p>
-   <example id="EPRMEX">
-    <head>Endpoint reference with embedded WSDL metadata</head>
-    <eg>(01)  &lt;wsa:EndpointReference
+    <p>
+     The issuer of a service endpoint 
+     reference MAY include metadata for that service inside 
+     the endpoint reference itself. This mechanism 
+     simplifies the bootstrapping of the service interaction on the 
+     requester side by avoiding additional calls to retrieve 
+     the Web service metadata for the service endpoint.
+    </p>  
+    <p>
+     Embedding a mex:Metadata element inside an endpoint reference allows 
+     the issuer of the endpoint reference to include metadata by value 
+     or by reference, according to the options described in 
+     <specref ref="web-services-metadata"/>. 
+     The outline of a <bibref ref='AddrCore'/> endpoint reference which 
+     includes Web services metadata is as follows:
+    </p>
+    <example>
+     <eg>&lt;wsa:EndpointReference ...>
+     &lt;wsa:Address>xs:anyURI&lt;/wsa:Address>
+     &lt;wsa:ReferenceParameters> <emph>xs:any</emph>* lt;/wsa:ReferenceParameters> ?
+     &lt;wsa:Metadata>
+         &lt;mex:Metadata ...> ... &lt;/mex:Metadata>*
+         <emph>xs:any</emph>*
+     &lt;/wsa:Metadata> ?
+     <emph>xs:any</emph>*
+    </example>
+    <glist>
+     <gitem>
+      <label> /wsa:EndpointReference/wsa:Metadata/mex:Metadata </label>
+      <def>
+       <p>
+        This repeating OPTIONAL element MAY appear as a direct child of
+        the wsa:Metadata endpoint reference element.
+        Note: It MAY also be possible to combine multiple mex:Metadata
+        elements into one mex:Metadata element, however, it is RECOMMENDED
+        that multiple mex:Metadata elements be used.
+       </p>
+      </def>
+     </gitem>
+    </glist>
+    <p>
+     In example <specref ref="EPRMEX"/>, a <bibref ref='AddrCore'/> 
+     endpoint reference contains WSDL metadata by value that identifies 
+     the binding used to access the service endpoint:
+    </p>
+    <example id="EPRMEX">
+     <head>Endpoint reference with embedded WSDL metadata</head>
+     <eg>(01)  &lt;wsa:EndpointReference
 (02)      xmlns:wsa='http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing'>
 (03)    &lt;wsa:Address>http://services.example.org/stockquote&lt;/wsa:Address>
 (04)    &lt;wsa:Metadata>
@@ -1321,34 +1324,34 @@
 (61)      &lt;/mex:Metadata>
 (62)    &lt;/wsa:Metadata>
 (63)  &lt;/wsa:EndpointReference&gt;</eg>
-   </example>
-   <p>
-    Lines 4-62 in <specref ref="EPRMEX"/> show the way a Metadata element 
-    can be embedded 
-    in the endpoint reference of a service. The Metadata element contains 
-    two Metadata Sections. In the first one (lines 6-51) the WSDL of the 
-    Web service endpoint is included 'by value'. In the second 
-    Metadata Section (lines 52-60) an endpoint reference to a 
-    metadata resource is shown. The representation of the metadata 
-    resource is an XML Schema as hinted by the Dialect attribute (line 53) 
-    and is distinguished from other XML Schemas for that Web 
-    service endpoint by the value of Identifier attribute (line 54) 
-    which in this case happens to be the same as the value of 
-    the targetNamespace attribute of the XML Schema. The 
-    <bibref ref='WS-Transfer'/> Get operation can be used to retrieve 
-    the referred XML Schema. Since no metadata is available about the 
-    metadata resource, it is assumed that binding-related information 
-    was communicated out-of-band (e.g. an application domain-specific 
-    specification has defined a binding for that domain) so that the 
-    requester could send a <bibref ref='WS-Transfer'/> Get request 
-    to the metadata resource's endpoint, as defined in 
-    <specref ref="Bootstrapping-Metadata-Retrieval"/>.
-   </p>
-   <example id="EPRMD">
-    <head>Endpoint reference with embedded metadata about the Metadata Reference</head>
-    <eg>(01)  &lt;wsa:EndpointReference
+    </example>
+    <p>
+     Lines 4-62 in <specref ref="EPRMEX"/> show the way a Metadata element 
+     can be embedded 
+     in the endpoint reference of a service. The Metadata element contains 
+     two Metadata Sections. In the first one (lines 6-51) the WSDL of the 
+     Web service endpoint is included 'by value'. In the second 
+     Metadata Section (lines 52-60) an endpoint reference to a 
+     metadata resource is shown. The representation of the metadata 
+     resource is an XML Schema as hinted by the Dialect attribute (line 53) 
+     and is distinguished from other XML Schemas for that Web 
+     service endpoint by the value of Identifier attribute (line 54) 
+     which in this case happens to be the same as the value of 
+     the targetNamespace attribute of the XML Schema. The 
+     <bibref ref='WS-Transfer'/> Get operation can be used to retrieve 
+     the referred XML Schema. Since no metadata is available about the 
+     metadata resource, it is assumed that binding-related information 
+     was communicated out-of-band (e.g. an application domain-specific 
+     specification has defined a binding for that domain) so that the 
+     requester could send a <bibref ref='WS-Transfer'/> Get request 
+     to the metadata resource's endpoint, as defined in 
+     <specref ref="Bootstrapping-Metadata-Retrieval"/>.
+    </p>
+    <example id="EPRMD">
+     <head>Endpoint reference with embedded metadata about the Metadata Reference</head>
+     <eg>(01)  &lt;wsa:EndpointReference
 (02)      xmlns:wsa='http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing'>
 (03)    &lt;wsa:Address>http://services.example.org/stockquote&lt;/wsa:Address>
 (04)    &lt;wsa:Metadata>
@@ -1373,22 +1376,127 @@
 (23)      &lt;/mex:Metadata>
 (24)    &lt;/wsa:Metadata>
 (25)  &lt;/wsa:EndpointReference&gt;</eg>
-   </example>
+    </example>
+    <p>
+     <specref ref="EPRMD"/> shows an example of a Web service endpoint 
+     reference in which the Metadata element contains a single 
+     Metadata Reference element to a metadata resource (lines 8-21) the 
+     representation of which is mex:Metadata as hinted by the value of 
+     the Dialect attribute (line 7). The Metadata Reference contains a 
+     Metadata element (lines 13-19) which contains the necessary metadata for 
+     interacting with the metadata resource through 
+     <bibref ref='WS-Transfer'/> operations. Since the Metadata 
+     Reference is an endpoint reference to a <bibref ref='WS-Transfer'/> 
+     resource, the embedded metadata includes the <bibref ref='WS-Transfer'/> 
+     WSDL portType and the necessary binding information for communicating 
+     with that resource.
+    </p>
+   </div2>
+   <div2 id="WSPAEPR">
+    <head>Associating Policies With Endpoint References</head>
+    <p>
+     It is desirable for components that provide EPRs to other components to 
+     be able to efficiently communicate the effective policies of the 
+     endpoints referenced by those EPRs. For example, a subscriber might wish 
+     to indicate to an event source that the notification messages sent as 
+     part of a subscription needs to be digitally signed. Although the 
+     mechanisms described in <specref ref="EPRwithMEX"/> can be used to 
+     communicate the complete set of policies associated with an endpoint, 
+     the relationship of these policies to specific bindings, operations, 
+     or messages cannot be determined without additional information such 
+     as WSDL documents or wsp:PolicyAttachment elements. 
+    </p>
+    <p>
+     A single wsp:Policy or wsp:PolicyReference element MAY appear as a 
+     child of the /wsa:EndpointReference/wsa:Metadata element. 
+    </p>
+    <example>
+     <eg>&lt;wsa:EndpointReference>
+  &lt;wsa:Address> xs:anyURI &lt;/wsa:Address>
+  &lt;wsa:ReferenceParameters> xs:any* &lt;/wsa:ReferenceParameters>
+    &lt;wsa:Metadata>
+      ( &lt;wsp:Policy ...> ... &lt;/wsp:Policy> |
+        &lt;wsp:PolicyReference ...> ... &lt;/wsp:PolicyReference> ) ?
+  &lt;/wsa:Metadata>
+    </example>
+    <p>
+     If multiple alternatives are desired, the operators defined in 
+     <bibref ref="wspolicy"/> can be used to specify such alternatives 
+     within the single wsp:Policy element or the element referenced by the 
+     wsp:PolicyReference. 
+    </p>
+    <p>
+     Policies that appear in an endpoint reference in this manner have 
+     Endpoint Policy Subject. Endpoint Policy Subject is defined as follows: 
+    </p>
+    <p>
+     The wsp:Policy or wsp:PolicyReference element, when present, represents 
+     the capabilities and requirements of the endpoint referenced by the 
+     EPR as defined by Section 3, "Policy Model", in the 
+     <bibref ref="wspolicy"/> specification. Policy attached to an EPR in 
+     this manner MUST be applicable to all message exchanges using the 
+     endpoint referenced by that EPR. 
+    </p>
+    <example id="EPRsecure">
+     <head>Endpoint Reference with Associated Policy</head>
+     <eg>(01) &lt;wse:NotifyTo xmlns:wsa="http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing"
+(02)               xmlns:wse="http://www.w3.org/2009/09/ws-evt">
+(03)   &lt;wsa:Address>http://www.example.com/EventSink/OnPriceChange&lt;/wsa:Address>
+(04)   &lt;wsa:RerenceParameters>
+(05)     ...
+(06)   &lt;/wsa:ReferenceParameters>
+(07)   &lt;wsa:Metadata>
+(08)     &lt;wsp:Policy xmlns:wsp="..." wmlns:sp="...">
+(09)       &lt;sp:SymmetricBinding>
+(10)         &lt;wsp:Policy>
+(11)           &lt;sp:ProtectionToken>
+(12)             &lt;wsp:Policy>
+(13)               &lt;sp:SecureConversationToken ...>
+(14)                 ...
+(15)               &lt;/sp:SecureConversationToken>
+(16)             &lt;/wsp:Policy>
+(17)           &lt;/sp:ProtectionToken>
+(18)         &lt;/wsp:Policy>
+(19)       &lt;/sp:SymmetricBinding>
+(20)     &lt;/wsp:Policy>
+(21)   &lt;/wsa:Metadata>
+(22) &lt;/wse:NotifyTo></eg>
+    </example>
+    <p>
+     <specref ref="EPRsecure"/> shows a WS-Eventing NotifyTo EPR that refers 
+     to the endpoint to which an event source sends notification messages. 
+     Attached to this EPR is a Policy (lines 8-20) that indicates that 
+     WS-SecureConversation needs to be used when sending messages to 
+     this endpoint. 
+    </p>
+    <p>
+     The <bibref ref="AddrCore"/> specification discusses caveats to the 
+     validity of Metadata information. These apply to policies contained 
+     within the wsa:Metadata element as discussed in this section. 
+    </p>
+    <p>
+     The relationship, if any, between policies contained within the 
+     wsa:Metadata element and any other policies that might apply to the 
+     endpoint referred to by the containing EPR (e.g. policies that might
+     appear in a WSDL document that describes one or more of the services 
+     offered by that endpoint) is not defined by this specification. 
+    </p>
+   </div2>
-   <p>
-    <specref ref="EPRMD"/> shows an example of a Web service endpoint 
-    reference in which the Metadata element contains a single 
-    Metadata Reference element to a metadata resource (lines 8-21) the 
-    representation of which is mex:Metadata as hinted by the value of 
-    the Dialect attribute (line 7). The Metadata Reference contains a 
-    Metadata element (lines 13-19) which contains the necessary metadata for 
-    interacting with the metadata resource through 
-    <bibref ref='WS-Transfer'/> operations. Since the Metadata 
-    Reference is an endpoint reference to a <bibref ref='WS-Transfer'/> 
-    resource, the embedded metadata includes the <bibref ref='WS-Transfer'/> 
-    WSDL portType and the necessary binding information for communicating 
-    with that resource.
-   </p>
   <div1 id="Bootstrapping-Metadata-Retrieval">
@@ -2511,6 +2619,13 @@
        <loc href="http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=8205">8205</loc>
+     <tr>
+      <td> 2010/01/27 </td>
+      <td> DD </td>
+      <td> Added resolution of issue 
+       <loc href="http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=7728">7728</loc>
+      </td>
+     </tr>

Index: wsmex.html
RCS file: /w3ccvs/WWW/2002/ws/ra/edcopies/wsmex.html,v
retrieving revision 1.100
retrieving revision 1.101
diff -u -d -r1.100 -r1.101
--- wsmex.html	28 Jan 2010 05:06:45 -0000	1.100
+++ wsmex.html	29 Jan 2010 03:14:39 -0000	1.101
@@ -57,15 +57,17 @@
 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;6.1 <a href="#WS-Transfer-Get">WS-Transfer Get</a><br/>
 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;6.2 <a href="#GetMetadata">Get Metadata</a><br/>
 7 <a href="#Metadata-in-Endpoint-References">Metadata in Endpoint References</a><br/>
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;7.1 <a href="#EPRwithMEX">Endpoint References Containing mex:Metadata</a><br/>
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;7.2 <a href="#WSPAEPR">Associating Policies With Endpoint References</a><br/>
 8 <a href="#Bootstrapping-Metadata-Retrieval">Bootstrapping Metadata Retrieval</a><br/>
 9 <a href="#ImplicitWSDL">Exposing WSDL for Operations Implicitly Defined by a Policy Assertion</a><br/>
 10 <a href="#Security">Security Considerations</a><br/>
 11 <a href="#metadata">WS-Metadata Exchange Metadata</a><br/>
-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;11.1 <a href="#iddiv2_1_1357">MetadataExchange Assertion</a><br/>
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;11.1 <a href="#iddiv2_1_1406">MetadataExchange Assertion</a><br/>
 12 <a href="#Acknowledgements">Acknowledgements</a><br/>
 13 <a href="#References">References</a><br/>
-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;13.1 <a href="#iddiv2_1_1421">Normative References</a><br/>
-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;13.2 <a href="#iddiv2_1_1594">Informative References</a><br/>
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;13.1 <a href="#iddiv2_1_1470">Normative References</a><br/>
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;13.2 <a href="#iddiv2_1_1643">Informative References</a><br/>
 <h3><a name="appendices" id="appendices"/>Appendices</h3><p class="toc">A <a href="#Appendix-A">XML Schema</a><br/>
 B <a href="#Appendix-B">WSDL</a><br/>
@@ -683,39 +685,40 @@
      protocol error that might get unnoticed, resending the same request
      can be done automatically.
     </p></div></div><div class="div1">
-<h2><a name="Metadata-in-Endpoint-References" id="Metadata-in-Endpoint-References"/>7 Metadata in Endpoint References</h2><p>
-    The issuer of a service endpoint 
-    reference MAY include metadata for that service inside 
-    the endpoint reference itself. This mechanism 
-    simplifies the bootstrapping of the service interaction on the 
-    requester side by avoiding additional calls to retrieve 
-    the Web service metadata for the service endpoint.
-   </p><p>
-    Embedding a mex:Metadata element inside an endpoint reference allows 
-    the issuer of the endpoint reference to include metadata by value 
-    or by reference, according to the options described in 
-    <a href="#web-services-metadata"><b>5 Web Services Metadata</b></a>. 
-    The outline of a <a href="#AddrCore">[WS-Addressing]</a> endpoint reference which 
-    includes Web services metadata is as follows:
-   </p><div class="exampleOuter"><div class="exampleInner"><pre>&lt;wsa:EndpointReference ...&gt;
-    &lt;wsa:Address&gt;xs:anyURI&lt;/wsa:Address&gt;
-    &lt;wsa:ReferenceParameters&gt; <em>xs:any</em>* lt;/wsa:ReferenceParameters&gt; ?
-    &lt;wsa:Metadata&gt;
-        &lt;mex:Metadata ...&gt; ... &lt;/mex:Metadata&gt;*
-        <em>xs:any</em>*
-    &lt;/wsa:Metadata&gt; ?
-    <em>xs:any</em>*
+<h2><a name="Metadata-in-Endpoint-References" id="Metadata-in-Endpoint-References"/>7 Metadata in Endpoint References</h2><div class="div2">
+<h3><a name="EPRwithMEX" id="EPRwithMEX"/>7.1 Endpoint References Containing mex:Metadata</h3><p>
+     The issuer of a service endpoint 
+     reference MAY include metadata for that service inside 
+     the endpoint reference itself. This mechanism 
+     simplifies the bootstrapping of the service interaction on the 
+     requester side by avoiding additional calls to retrieve 
+     the Web service metadata for the service endpoint.
+    </p><p>
+     Embedding a mex:Metadata element inside an endpoint reference allows 
+     the issuer of the endpoint reference to include metadata by value 
+     or by reference, according to the options described in 
+     <a href="#web-services-metadata"><b>5 Web Services Metadata</b></a>. 
+     The outline of a <a href="#AddrCore">[WS-Addressing]</a> endpoint reference which 
+     includes Web services metadata is as follows:
+    </p><div class="exampleOuter"><div class="exampleInner"><pre>&lt;wsa:EndpointReference ...&gt;
+     &lt;wsa:Address&gt;xs:anyURI&lt;/wsa:Address&gt;
+     &lt;wsa:ReferenceParameters&gt; <em>xs:any</em>* lt;/wsa:ReferenceParameters&gt; ?
+     &lt;wsa:Metadata&gt;
+         &lt;mex:Metadata ...&gt; ... &lt;/mex:Metadata&gt;*
+         <em>xs:any</em>*
+     &lt;/wsa:Metadata&gt; ?
+     <em>xs:any</em>*
 &lt;/wsa:EndpointReference&gt;</pre></div></div><dl><dt class="label"> /wsa:EndpointReference/wsa:Metadata/mex:Metadata </dt><dd><p>
-       This repeating OPTIONAL element MAY appear as a direct child of
-       the wsa:Metadata endpoint reference element.
-       Note: It MAY also be possible to combine multiple mex:Metadata
-       elements into one mex:Metadata element, however, it is RECOMMENDED
-       that multiple mex:Metadata elements be used.
-      </p></dd></dl><p>
-    In example <a href="#EPRMEX">Example 7-1</a>, a <a href="#AddrCore">[WS-Addressing]</a> 
-    endpoint reference contains WSDL metadata by value that identifies 
-    the binding used to access the service endpoint:
-   </p><div class="exampleOuter">
+        This repeating OPTIONAL element MAY appear as a direct child of
+        the wsa:Metadata endpoint reference element.
+        Note: It MAY also be possible to combine multiple mex:Metadata
+        elements into one mex:Metadata element, however, it is RECOMMENDED
+        that multiple mex:Metadata elements be used.
+       </p></dd></dl><p>
+     In example <a href="#EPRMEX">Example 7-1</a>, a <a href="#AddrCore">[WS-Addressing]</a> 
+     endpoint reference contains WSDL metadata by value that identifies 
+     the binding used to access the service endpoint:
+    </p><div class="exampleOuter">
 <div class="exampleHeader"><a name="EPRMEX" id="EPRMEX"/>Example 7-1: Endpoint reference with embedded WSDL metadata</div><div class="exampleInner"><pre>(01)  &lt;wsa:EndpointReference
 (02)      xmlns:wsa='http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing'&gt;
 (03)    &lt;wsa:Address&gt;http://services.example.org/stockquote&lt;/wsa:Address&gt;
@@ -779,27 +782,27 @@
 (61)      &lt;/mex:Metadata&gt;
 (62)    &lt;/wsa:Metadata&gt;
 (63)  &lt;/wsa:EndpointReference&gt;</pre></div></div><p>
-    Lines 4-62 in <a href="#EPRMEX">Example 7-1</a> show the way a Metadata element 
-    can be embedded 
-    in the endpoint reference of a service. The Metadata element contains 
-    two Metadata Sections. In the first one (lines 6-51) the WSDL of the 
-    Web service endpoint is included 'by value'. In the second 
-    Metadata Section (lines 52-60) an endpoint reference to a 
-    metadata resource is shown. The representation of the metadata 
-    resource is an XML Schema as hinted by the Dialect attribute (line 53) 
-    and is distinguished from other XML Schemas for that Web 
-    service endpoint by the value of Identifier attribute (line 54) 
-    which in this case happens to be the same as the value of 
-    the targetNamespace attribute of the XML Schema. The 
-    <a href="#WS-Transfer">[WS-Transfer]</a> Get operation can be used to retrieve 
-    the referred XML Schema. Since no metadata is available about the 
-    metadata resource, it is assumed that binding-related information 
-    was communicated out-of-band (e.g. an application domain-specific 
-    specification has defined a binding for that domain) so that the 
-    requester could send a <a href="#WS-Transfer">[WS-Transfer]</a> Get request 
-    to the metadata resource's endpoint, as defined in 
-    <a href="#Bootstrapping-Metadata-Retrieval"><b>8 Bootstrapping Metadata Retrieval</b></a>.
-   </p><div class="exampleOuter">
+     Lines 4-62 in <a href="#EPRMEX">Example 7-1</a> show the way a Metadata element 
+     can be embedded 
+     in the endpoint reference of a service. The Metadata element contains 
+     two Metadata Sections. In the first one (lines 6-51) the WSDL of the 
+     Web service endpoint is included 'by value'. In the second 
+     Metadata Section (lines 52-60) an endpoint reference to a 
+     metadata resource is shown. The representation of the metadata 
+     resource is an XML Schema as hinted by the Dialect attribute (line 53) 
+     and is distinguished from other XML Schemas for that Web 
+     service endpoint by the value of Identifier attribute (line 54) 
+     which in this case happens to be the same as the value of 
+     the targetNamespace attribute of the XML Schema. The 
+     <a href="#WS-Transfer">[WS-Transfer]</a> Get operation can be used to retrieve 
+     the referred XML Schema. Since no metadata is available about the 
+     metadata resource, it is assumed that binding-related information 
+     was communicated out-of-band (e.g. an application domain-specific 
+     specification has defined a binding for that domain) so that the 
+     requester could send a <a href="#WS-Transfer">[WS-Transfer]</a> Get request 
+     to the metadata resource's endpoint, as defined in 
+     <a href="#Bootstrapping-Metadata-Retrieval"><b>8 Bootstrapping Metadata Retrieval</b></a>.
+    </p><div class="exampleOuter">
 <div class="exampleHeader"><a name="EPRMD" id="EPRMD"/>Example 7-2: Endpoint reference with embedded metadata about the Metadata Reference</div><div class="exampleInner"><pre>(01)  &lt;wsa:EndpointReference
 (02)      xmlns:wsa='http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing'&gt;
 (03)    &lt;wsa:Address&gt;http://services.example.org/stockquote&lt;/wsa:Address&gt;
@@ -825,18 +828,92 @@
 (23)      &lt;/mex:Metadata&gt;
 (24)    &lt;/wsa:Metadata&gt;
 (25)  &lt;/wsa:EndpointReference&gt;</pre></div></div><p><a href="#EPRMD">Example 7-2</a> shows an example of a Web service endpoint 
-    reference in which the Metadata element contains a single 
-    Metadata Reference element to a metadata resource (lines 8-21) the 
-    representation of which is mex:Metadata as hinted by the value of 
-    the Dialect attribute (line 7). The Metadata Reference contains a 
-    Metadata element (lines 13-19) which contains the necessary metadata for 
-    interacting with the metadata resource through 
-    <a href="#WS-Transfer">[WS-Transfer]</a> operations. Since the Metadata 
-    Reference is an endpoint reference to a <a href="#WS-Transfer">[WS-Transfer]</a> 
-    resource, the embedded metadata includes the <a href="#WS-Transfer">[WS-Transfer]</a> 
-    WSDL portType and the necessary binding information for communicating 
-    with that resource.
-   </p></div><div class="div1">
+     reference in which the Metadata element contains a single 
+     Metadata Reference element to a metadata resource (lines 8-21) the 
+     representation of which is mex:Metadata as hinted by the value of 
+     the Dialect attribute (line 7). The Metadata Reference contains a 
+     Metadata element (lines 13-19) which contains the necessary metadata for 
+     interacting with the metadata resource through 
+     <a href="#WS-Transfer">[WS-Transfer]</a> operations. Since the Metadata 
+     Reference is an endpoint reference to a <a href="#WS-Transfer">[WS-Transfer]</a> 
+     resource, the embedded metadata includes the <a href="#WS-Transfer">[WS-Transfer]</a> 
+     WSDL portType and the necessary binding information for communicating 
+     with that resource.
+    </p></div><div class="div2">
+<h3><a name="WSPAEPR" id="WSPAEPR"/>7.2 Associating Policies With Endpoint References</h3><p>
+     It is desirable for components that provide EPRs to other components to 
+     be able to efficiently communicate the effective policies of the 
+     endpoints referenced by those EPRs. For example, a subscriber might wish 
+     to indicate to an event source that the notification messages sent as 
+     part of a subscription needs to be digitally signed. Although the 
+     mechanisms described in <a href="#EPRwithMEX"><b>7.1 Endpoint References Containing mex:Metadata</b></a> can be used to 
+     communicate the complete set of policies associated with an endpoint, 
+     the relationship of these policies to specific bindings, operations, 
+     or messages cannot be determined without additional information such 
+     as WSDL documents or wsp:PolicyAttachment elements. 
+    </p><p>
+     A single wsp:Policy or wsp:PolicyReference element MAY appear as a 
+     child of the /wsa:EndpointReference/wsa:Metadata element. 
+    </p><div class="exampleOuter"><div class="exampleInner"><pre>&lt;wsa:EndpointReference&gt;
+  &lt;wsa:Address&gt; xs:anyURI &lt;/wsa:Address&gt;
+  &lt;wsa:ReferenceParameters&gt; xs:any* &lt;/wsa:ReferenceParameters&gt;
+    &lt;wsa:Metadata&gt;
+      ( &lt;wsp:Policy ...&gt; ... &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt; |
+        &lt;wsp:PolicyReference ...&gt; ... &lt;/wsp:PolicyReference&gt; ) ?
+  &lt;/wsa:Metadata&gt;
+     If multiple alternatives are desired, the operators defined in 
+     <a href="#wspolicy">[WS-Policy]</a> can be used to specify such alternatives 
+     within the single wsp:Policy element or the element referenced by the 
+     wsp:PolicyReference. 
+    </p><p>
+     Policies that appear in an endpoint reference in this manner have 
+     Endpoint Policy Subject. Endpoint Policy Subject is defined as follows: 
+    </p><p>
+     The wsp:Policy or wsp:PolicyReference element, when present, represents 
+     the capabilities and requirements of the endpoint referenced by the 
+     EPR as defined by Section 3, "Policy Model", in the 
+     <a href="#wspolicy">[WS-Policy]</a> specification. Policy attached to an EPR in 
+     this manner MUST be applicable to all message exchanges using the 
+     endpoint referenced by that EPR. 
+    </p><div class="exampleOuter">
+<div class="exampleHeader"><a name="EPRsecure" id="EPRsecure"/>Example 7-3: Endpoint Reference with Associated Policy</div><div class="exampleInner"><pre>(01) &lt;wse:NotifyTo xmlns:wsa="http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing"
+(02)               xmlns:wse="http://www.w3.org/2009/09/ws-evt"&gt;
+(03)   &lt;wsa:Address&gt;http://www.example.com/EventSink/OnPriceChange&lt;/wsa:Address&gt;
+(04)   &lt;wsa:RerenceParameters&gt;
+(05)     ...
+(06)   &lt;/wsa:ReferenceParameters&gt;
+(07)   &lt;wsa:Metadata&gt;
+(08)     &lt;wsp:Policy xmlns:wsp="..." wmlns:sp="..."&gt;
+(09)       &lt;sp:SymmetricBinding&gt;
+(10)         &lt;wsp:Policy&gt;
+(11)           &lt;sp:ProtectionToken&gt;
+(12)             &lt;wsp:Policy&gt;
+(13)               &lt;sp:SecureConversationToken ...&gt;
+(14)                 ...
+(15)               &lt;/sp:SecureConversationToken&gt;
+(16)             &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;
+(17)           &lt;/sp:ProtectionToken&gt;
+(18)         &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;
+(19)       &lt;/sp:SymmetricBinding&gt;
+(20)     &lt;/wsp:Policy&gt;
+(21)   &lt;/wsa:Metadata&gt;
+(22) &lt;/wse:NotifyTo&gt;</pre></div></div><p><a href="#EPRsecure">Example 7-3</a> shows a WS-Eventing NotifyTo EPR that refers 
+     to the endpoint to which an event source sends notification messages. 
+     Attached to this EPR is a Policy (lines 8-20) that indicates that 
+     WS-SecureConversation needs to be used when sending messages to 
+     this endpoint. 
+    </p><p>
+     The <a href="#AddrCore">[WS-Addressing]</a> specification discusses caveats to the 
+     validity of Metadata information. These apply to policies contained 
+     within the wsa:Metadata element as discussed in this section. 
+    </p><p>
+     The relationship, if any, between policies contained within the 
+     wsa:Metadata element and any other policies that might apply to the 
+     endpoint referred to by the containing EPR (e.g. policies that might
+     appear in a WSDL document that describes one or more of the services 
+     offered by that endpoint) is not defined by this specification. 
+    </p></div></div><div class="div1">
 <h2><a name="Bootstrapping-Metadata-Retrieval" id="Bootstrapping-Metadata-Retrieval"/>8 Bootstrapping Metadata Retrieval</h2><p>
     This specification provides several mechanisms to aid service 
     endpoints and service requesters in bootstrapping the interaction. 
@@ -965,7 +1042,7 @@
     indicate a particular security mechanism used to protect the
     WS-MetadataExchange operations supported by this endpoint.
    </p><div class="div2">
-<h3><a name="iddiv2_1_1357" id="iddiv2_1_1357"/>11.1 MetadataExchange Assertion</h3><p>
+<h3><a name="iddiv2_1_1406" id="iddiv2_1_1406"/>11.1 MetadataExchange Assertion</h3><p>
      The mechanism for indicating that a binding or endpoint conforms to the
      WS-MetadataExchange specification is through the use of the Web Services
      Policy - Framework <a href="#wspolicy">[WS-Policy]</a> and Web Services Policy -
@@ -1041,7 +1118,7 @@
       Yves Lafon (W3C).
    </p></div><div class="div1">
 <h2><a name="References" id="References"/>13 References</h2><div class="div2">
-<h3><a name="iddiv2_1_1421" id="iddiv2_1_1421"/>13.1 Normative References</h3><dl><dt class="label"><a name="RFC2119" id="RFC2119"/>RFC 2119</dt><dd><a href="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2119.txt"><cite>
+<h3><a name="iddiv2_1_1470" id="iddiv2_1_1470"/>13.1 Normative References</h3><dl><dt class="label"><a name="RFC2119" id="RFC2119"/>RFC 2119</dt><dd><a href="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2119.txt"><cite>
         Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels
        , S. Bradner, Author.
@@ -1108,7 +1185,7 @@
        , P. Biron, A. Malhotra, Editors.
        World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), 28 October 2004.
       Available at <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/">http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/</a>.</dd></dl></div><div class="div2">
-<h3><a name="iddiv2_1_1594" id="iddiv2_1_1594"/>13.2 Informative References</h3><dl><dt class="label"><a name="WSSecureConversation" id="WSSecureConversation"/>WS-SecureConversation</dt><dd><a href="http://docs.oasis-open.org/ws-sx/ws-secureconversation/v1.4/os/ws-secureconversation-1.4-spec-os.doc"><cite>
+<h3><a name="iddiv2_1_1643" id="iddiv2_1_1643"/>13.2 Informative References</h3><dl><dt class="label"><a name="WSSecureConversation" id="WSSecureConversation"/>WS-SecureConversation</dt><dd><a href="http://docs.oasis-open.org/ws-sx/ws-secureconversation/v1.4/os/ws-secureconversation-1.4-spec-os.doc"><cite>
         OASIS Standard, "Web Services Secure Conversation
           (WS-SecureConversation) 1.4"
@@ -1344,4 +1421,5 @@
        <a href="http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=8294">8294</a></td></tr><tr><td> 2010/01/27 </td><td> DD </td><td> Added resolution of issue 
        <a href="http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=8292">8292</a></td></tr><tr><td> 2010/01/27 </td><td> DD </td><td> Added resolution of issue 
        <a href="http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=8290">8290</a></td></tr><tr><td> 2010/01/27 </td><td> DD </td><td> Added resolution of issue 
-       <a href="http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=8205">8205</a></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div></body></html>
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+       <a href="http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=8205">8205</a></td></tr><tr><td> 2010/01/27 </td><td> DD </td><td> Added resolution of issue 
+       <a href="http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=7728">7728</a></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div></body></html>
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Received on Friday, 29 January 2010 03:14:43 UTC