[Bug 6432] Eventing: Push delivery mode does not work when the subscriber is not addressable


--- Comment #6 from Yves Lafon <ylafon@w3.org>  2009-07-24 16:50:16 ---
(In reply to comment #5)
> *** start ***
> When the wse:NotifyTo element is used within the Delivery element it specifies
> the endpoint to which Notifications are sent. For delivery to addressable
> endpoints this is sufficient. However, for non-addressable endpoints some
> additional mechanisms are needed. A subscriber MAY choose to leverage the
> [WS-MakeConnection] specification to enable delivery of Notifications to
> non-addressable endpoints. This specification defines a SOAP header that SHOULD
> be included in the messages to ensure that the receiver will detect and adhere
> to the semantics of the WS-MakeConnection specification for any
> WS-MakeConnection Anonymous URI used within the message:
> <wse:MCSupported mustUndersand="1"/>

Why is it using the wse namespace? It would be bad to change the eventing spec
every time a new technology needs to be supported :)

> An endpoint receiving and accepting a message with this SOAP header MUST adhere
> to the semantics of the WS-MakeConnection specification for any EPR that uses
> the MakeConnection Anonymous URI in the wsa:Address element. See the
> [WS-MakeConnection] specification for more information, and an example, of how
> this would work.
> *** end ***

Does it mandates some modifiations to WS-MakeConnection?
And please let's continue this discussion on the main amiling-list for everbody

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Received on Friday, 24 July 2009 16:50:26 UTC