Re: Fault definitions missing from XSD


You asked "why are the faults not declared in the relevant <portType> 
declarations?" The answer lies in the juxtaposition of some of the 
conventions used in WS-* and the mapping between WSDL-defined faults and 

The convention in most (all?) WS-* specs is to define faults in terms of 
five abstract properties: [Action], [Code], [Subcode], [Reason], and 
[Detail]. Of these [Subcode] is the primary designator as [Action] is 
usually the same for all the faults in a single spec and [Code] is 
almost always "Sender". The mapping of these properties to SOAP is also 
pretty uniform across WS-* specs. For SOAP 1.1:

<!-- Headers elided for brevity. -->
<faultstring xml:lang="en">*[Reason]*</faultstring>

It is considered reasonable/mainstream practice for WS-* 
implementations, when processing SOAP Fault messages, to use the QName 
of the value of the [Subcode] property (found in s11:Fault/faultcode or 
s12:Fault/s12:Code/s12:Subcode/s12:Value) to distinguish between the 
various error conditions. There would need to be a compelling reason for 
the WS-RA specs to depart from this convention, since anyone involved in 
implementing WS-* specs is not only accustomed to it, they probably have 
some common fault handling code that depends on it.

With regards to how WSDL-defined faults are mapped to SOAP fault 
messages, please refer to the Purchase Order scenario in the WSTF: The WSDL for that 
scenario defines wsdl:faults for its operations. Here is an example of a 
SOAP 1.1 fault message that conforms to that interface:

<env:Envelope xmlns:env="">
<env:Header xmlns:wsa="">
       . . .
<sc0:POFault xmlns:sc0="">
<sc0:OrderFaultComment>Unable to find order with ID 
'urn:uuid:cdce1080-a749-11e0-8264-0800200c9a66' in the 

Notice (a) that the <faultcode> value is "Server" and (b) we had no 
visibility/control of this value in our WSDL. Notice also that the 
message defined by "POFault" in our WSDL appears as a child of the 
<detail> element. To carry our [Subcode] property via a WSDL-defined 
fault message we would have to include it as some element within the 
message element that appears as the child of <detail>. This would be 
different from virtually every other WS-* spec. As stated previously, we 
don't want to depart from the usual WS-* conventions for defining faults 
without a compelling reason and we don't feel that the benefits of 
defining faults in WSDL (e.g. auto-generation of exception classes) are 
compelling enough to warrant such a departure.

~ gp

Received on Friday, 8 July 2011 20:31:15 UTC