RuleML2012@ECAI: Call for Participation - Early Registration Deadline approaching

                         CALL FOR PARTICIPATION

              The 6th International Symposium on Rules:
                 Research Based and Industry Focused
               Montpellier, France, August 27-29, 2012


Early registration deadline: July 17, 2012

== RuleML2012 ==

The 6th RuleML Symposium (RuleML2012) co-located with The 20th European
Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2012) is coming up on Monday,
August 27th at Montpellier, France.


IMPORTANT: Participants to the RuleML2012 Symposium will get full access to
the ECAI 2012 events. We offer students reduced registration fees (150 EUR).

Registration to RuleML2012 includes:

* All RuleML2012 sessions
* All sessions of the main program of ECAI 2012
* Hard copy proceedings of RuleML2012
* Conference accessories (bag, programme, info, ...)
* Welcome Reception of ECAI to take place on August 28th
* Coffee-breaks for August 27-29

Early Registration fees (July 17):

* Regular: 500 EUR
* Student: 150 EUR

Late Registration fees (August 5):

* Regular: 600 EUR
* Student: 200 EUR

More information at:


The program of RuleML2012 includes:

* Three keynotes (

Robert Kowalski (Imperial College), August 29
Marie Laure Mugnier (University of Montpellier II), August 28
Francois Briant (IBM CAS France), Auguest 29

* 24 paper presentations (August 28-29)

These include: 14 full papers, 8 short papers and 2 track papers.
The full list of accepted papers is available at:

* Doctoral Consortium, August 27

* 6th International Rule Challenge

* LegalRuleML Tutorial, by Monica Palmirani and Tara Athan, August 27

* LegalRuleML OASIS TC Meeting, August 27

We invite you to participate in the symposium and hope it will serve as a
valuable event for both researchers and developers.

Antonis Bikakis and Adrian Giurca
RuleML2012 PC Chairs

Received on Wednesday, 11 July 2012 14:33:15 UTC