July & August distributed meetings cancelled


Hope all is well with everyone. Paul and I have discussed possible agenda 
topics for July and there are none.
Additionally, given that August is taken by many for their summer 
holidays, we have decided to cancel both
July and August distributed meetings.

Given the fact that there has not been anything to discuss, Paul and I 
have also given some thought to changing
the monthly schedule to bi-monthly. Unless anyone objects, we will begin 
the bi-monthly calls Sept 17.

Enjoy your summer all.


Christopher Ferris
IBM Distinguished Engineer, CTO Industry Standards
IBM Software Group, Standards Strategy
email: chrisfer@us.ibm.com
blog: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/blogs/page/chrisferris
phone: +1 508 234 2986

Received on Sunday, 13 July 2008 21:29:18 UTC