Revised positions for closed/open world assumptions

Here's my revised estimate of the positions:

There are roughly 3 positions that may be taken on the issue of the
meaning of assertions in alternative(s).

1. AIN Vocabulary flavour: 
Any behaviour not implied by an assertion that is in a vocabulary should
not be applied (Roughly original chris proposal)

No proponents. No further elaboration planned.

2. AIN Closed world flavour (revised MSFT/IBM proposal): 
Any behaviour not implied by an alternative must not be applied.  Any
behaviors implied by assertions in an alternative must be applied. 

1. Is it OK to omit Ignorable="true" Assertion?
2. Is it OK to omit Optional="true" Assertion?

This ensures that a provider will provide a "complete" description of
the behaviors and thus guarantee interop including optional/ignorable.

Pending questions, may limit providers ability to apply behaviors.

3. AIN Removal (open world): 
Any behaviour not implied by any assertions in an alternative may or may
not be applied.  Any behaviors implied by assertions in an alternative
must be applied. 

Perception of "simpler" specification.  Allows service fuller control
over application of behaviors.  

Provider might not provide "complete" description.  Interop is
guaranteed but optional and/or ignorable behaviors may be missed by


Received on Thursday, 10 May 2007 21:10:48 UTC