Issue 4262 - Use of wsp:Optional and wsp:Ingorable together - Pro posed Resolution


Monica, Asir, Dan, Fabian and I agreed to propose the following as the
resolution for this issue 

1. We now think this issue is actually on the Primer rather than the
Guidelines document, as it is related to composition of a policy expression
(that uses optional and ignorable flags on assertions) rather than design of

2. We propose adding the following as a new subsection that follows the
description of the Optional Assertions (section 2.6) and Ignorable
Expressions (Section 2.7), in the Primer.

Updated proposal:
"2.8 Marking Assertions both Optional and Ignorable

As described in the sections above and in Section 3.4.1, WS-Policy 1.5
specification defines two attributes that can be used to mark an assertion:
wsp:Optional and wsp:Ignorable.

The WS-Policy Framework allows a policy assertion to be marked with both
"optional" and "Ignorable" simultaneously. The presence of
"@wsp:optional=true" on an assertion is a syntactic compact form for two
alternatives, one with the assertion and the other without the assertion.
Hence syntactically marking an assertion "A" with both the @wsp:Optional and
@wsp:Ignorable with the value of "true" for both, is equivalent to two
alternatives; one where the assertion A exists with @wsp:Ignorable=true and
the second where the assertion A does not exist.

Note: Separately Monica / Fabian plan to address issue of understandability
and mode (?) with Section 3.4.1 and reference back to Section 2.8 if needed.


Received on Wednesday, 14 March 2007 02:34:21 UTC