Re: Action-324 (was FW: [Bug 4662] [Guidelines] Proposal for AI 305

>> Asir Vedamuthu wrote: ACTION-324 Asir to follow-up on 4662 to relate 
>> Microsoft comments...[1]
>> In the case where one party chooses to engage in runtime behavior with
>> another party based on alternatives from a lax mode intersection
>> algorithm, the runtime behavior is out of scope of the policy
>> framework.   
> vedamuthu: Regardless of the chosen mode for policy intersection, any 
> runtime behavior is always out of scope for the policy framework.

mm1: Asir and MaryAnn, where does this constraint appear in the 
Framework? Otherwise, if not, have we uncovered a comment for the 


 >>monica 7/3: Unless we have a clearer articulation of this, should we 
consider changing or deleting this text? We'll discuss when MaryAnn 
returns. Thank you.

Received on Tuesday, 3 July 2007 15:18:42 UTC