Re: NEW ISSUE (4263) [Primer] Inform domain specific processing of ignorability of assertions


I agree that any domain-specific processing would see Ignorable 
attributes because they are part of the policy assertion. Maybe we could 
just add something simple to the end of the section like:

"Domain-specific processing is aware of whether the assertions it is
processing were marked as Ignorable since they are part of the assertion's data model."


Asir Vedamuthu wrote:
>> "Domain specific processing should be made aware of whether assertions
>> it is processing were marked as ignorable
> Ignorable property of a policy assertion is captured in the policy data model [1]. Policy intersection is computed at the policy data model level and the parts of a policy assertion is visible to domain specific processing. It is not clear what additional information should be passed to domain specific processing beyond these?
> [1] "An assertion MAY indicate that it is an ignorable policy assertion (see 4.4 Ignorable Policy Assertions)" -
> Regards,
> Asir S Vedamuthu
> Microsoft Corporation
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On Behalf Of Frederick Hirsch
> Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2007 2:22 PM
> To:
> Cc: Hirsch Frederick
> Subject: NEW ISSUE (4263) [Primer] Inform domain specific processing of ignorability of assertions
> Bugzilla: <>
> The new text added to primer on ignorable (as in issue 4041 and noted in
> resolution  <
> irc#T22-08-44-1> ) should
> include explanation that domain specific processing should be aware of
> ignorable marking of assertion. (Thread about proposal for 4041 at
> <
> 0187.html> )
> Proposal:
> Add  following text proposed to be added at end of new section 3.4.1
> Strict and
> Lax Policy Intersection
> "Domain specific processing should be made aware of whether
> assertions it is
> processing were marked as ignorable since that may impact domain
> specific
> processing."
> [Note that this proposal is different from the following text which
> was removed
> from the original proposal for 4041
> "When domain specific processing is to be performed in strict mode,
> it is up to
> that domain specific processing to interpret the Ignorable
> rattribute. In lax
> mode it is not relevant since ignorable assertions are not passed to
> the domain
> specific processing step of the intersection algorithm."]
> regards, Frederick
> Frederick Hirsch
> Nokia

Received on Tuesday, 6 February 2007 19:54:16 UTC