RE: W3C Submission: Web Services Policy Attachment for Endpoint Reference (WS-PAEPR)



As a scribe, I was struggling to catch-up on minuting the lively
discussion :) on the WG call yesterday, and did not get a chance to
offer our own position on this.


Reviewing the W3C team's comment on the submission, I share their concern with
respect to overlap with WS-MetadataExchange. WS-MeX
already offers a solution to embed various kinds of metadata in an EPR
including policy (specifically WS-Policy).  Many vendors involved in the
WS-Policy effort (including Oracle?), had recently demonstrated the
interoperability of WS-MeX recently. We think a generic mechanism that
permits embedding all sorts of metadata in an EPR, following a uniform
scheme is a desirable approach than defining a special solution for
WS-Policy alone.






-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of ashok malhotra
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2007 5:05 AM
Subject: [Fwd: W3C Submission: Web Services Policy Attachment for
Endpoint Reference (WS-PAEPR)]



Can we put this on the agenda for 8/15?


Thanks, Ashok


-------- Original Message --------

Subject:    W3C Submission: Web Services Policy Attachment for Endpoint 

Reference (WS-PAEPR)

Resent-Date:      Tue, 07 Aug 2007 20:39:01 +0000


Date:       Tue, 07 Aug 2007 16:38:57 -0400

From:       Philippe Le Hegaret <>

Organization:     World Wide Web Consortium

To:   public-ws-policy <>, 

"" <>, www-ws-cg 





Dear WGs and CG,


This message is to bring to your attention the W3C Submission "Web

Services Policy Attachment for Endpoint Reference (WS-PAEPR)" [1],

acknowledged by W3C on August 2, 2007.


The suggested action by the co-submitters is to "refer this submission

to the WS-Addressing WG and WS-Policy WG for further processing,

preferably as a W3C Recommendation".


The W3C Team welcomes feedback from the WGs and the CG on the suggested














All the best, Ashok


Received on Saturday, 18 August 2007 00:26:11 UTC