Fwd: [soa-rm] Request for help/information: Comment on Model for Policy (link to WS-Policy)

I'm passing this on to the WS-Policy WG as another (and likely  
overlapping) source of expertise.  Information on existing work or  
thoughts on needed work would be appreciated.



Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Duane Nickull" <dnickull@adobe.com>
> Date: June 28, 2006 1:49:29 PM EDT
> To: "SOA-RM" <soa-rm@lists.oasis-open.org>
> Subject: [soa-rm] FW: [ws-sx] FW: Request for help/information:   
> Comment on Model for Policy (link to WS-Policy)
> This action item from today’s meeting is now done.
> Duane
> *******************************
> Adobe Systems, Inc. - http://www.adobe.com
> Adobe Developer Program - http://developer.adobe.com/
> Chair - OASIS SOA Reference Model Technical Committee
> Personal Blog - http://technoracle.blogspot.com/
> *******************************
> From: Duane Nickull [mailto:dnickull@adobe.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2006 10:48 AM
> To: ws-sx@lists.oasis-open.org; wsrx
> Subject: [ws-sx] FW: Request for help/information: Comment on Model  
> for Policy (link to WS-Policy)
> Apologies for cross posting in advance:
> During the last and final public review of the OASIS Reference  
> Model for SOA, we encountered a comment that we feel is best  
> addressed elsewhere, possibly via one of the WS-* specifications.   
> The RM for SOA is a high level abstract model for Service Oriented  
> Architecture aligned with WS-* and meant to guide architects  
> creating various service oriented architectures including those for  
> the WS family of technologies.  Accordingly, it discusses the  
> concepts of policy which would guide architects in terms of  
> thinking about architecture and the inclusion of WS- 
> PolicyAttachment and WS-Policy.
> We have an open request for developing an abstract model for  
> policy.  Although such is beyond the scope of the SOA RM TC, we  
> wanted to informally request help on this item from the WS groups.
> First – are any of you aware of a high level model, not tied to any  
> specific technologies,that would be suitable for the commenter to  
> use?  If you do, can you please respond back with the URL.
> Second – if none exists, you may wish to contact the commenter to  
> discuss this.
> Thank you in advance.
> Original Comment:
> Regarding Specification: SOA-RM (policy and contracts) --- policy  
> is going to play very important role in SOA. SOA service first has  
> to be policy oriented, which means that policy has to be involved  
> from the full life cycle of SOA service development from  
> development to runtime. Therefore it should be beneficial to  
> develop SOA policy reference model in which it could define  
> capabilities, policy information model, policy language/computing,  
> etc. The current version of SOA rm on policy is little vague. If  
> Users can  derive concerete product from SOA policy refence model,  
> it would be great.
> <response who=”OASIS SOA RM TC”>
> 1. The TC agrees regarding the importance of policy and the RM  
> includes numerous mentions of policy and an in depth discussion in  
> section 3.3.2.  While an SOA policy reference model may be of  
> value, it is beyond the scope of the current effort.
> 2. This TC recognizes that there are several other organizations  
> that are developing standards, specifications around the concept of  
> policy.  We would like to forward this comment to them for their  
> consideration to include some form of reference model in their  
> work.  We will forward this comment to various WS groups and the  
> W3C who are working on the issue.
> 3. The subcommittee working on our Reference Architecture for SOA  
> will also likely provide further clarification on the concept of  
> policy with respect to SOA in their work.
> </response>
> ------

Ken Laskey
MITRE Corporation, M/S H305     phone:  703-983-7934
7515 Colshire Drive                        fax:        703-983-1379
McLean VA 22102-7508

Received on Wednesday, 28 June 2006 19:48:46 UTC