Re: bugzilla "feature"

Yalcinalp, Umit wrote:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of Paul Cotton
>> Sent: Tuesday, Aug 15, 2006 7:03 AM
>> To: Christopher B Ferris;
>> Subject: RE: bugzilla "feature"
>> This feature is controllable.
>> 1. Login into your Bugzilla account
>> 2. Select Edit: Prefs link at the bottom of the screen 
>> (
>> 3. Select the General Preferences tab
>> 4. The "feature" that Chris describes is the "After changing 
>> a bug" item.  You can select "Show the updated bug" if that 
>> is your preference.
> Thanks Paul. The issue that Chris reported actually affected me, too.
> Perhaps we can get w3c to change the system defaults for everyone :-)

Sorry for the late follow-up. Since W3C does not maintain Bugzilla (but
only "using" it), I'm not sure if that parametrization is possible. Do
you want still to have a follow-up on this? Reading this thread it seems
to me that there are various opinions on this.


>> /paulc
> --umit
>> ________________________________
>> From: On Behalf Of 
>> Christopher B Ferris
>> Sent: August 4, 2006 8:20 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: bugzilla "feature"
>> I just noted a "feature" of Bugzilla when updating the status 
>> and assignment of bug 3545. Apparently,
>> after the changes are submitted, it refreshes the view with 
>> ***the next bug in the list!!!***
>> So, if you aren't careful, you might be tempted to think that 
>> the changes you applied did not get applied and apply them
>> to the next bug.
>> Be careful out there.
>> Cheers,
>> Christopher Ferris
>> STSM, Software Group Standards Strategy
>> email:
>> blog:
>> phone: +1 508 377 9295

Received on Wednesday, 30 August 2006 13:47:28 UTC