maintaining issues


I believe that I had previously indicated that when closing an issue, we 
want to reference the
meeting minutes in which the relevant RESOLUTION was made. 

This is made somewhat problematic in that we typically don't approve 
minutes until the
following week, and even then there may be a delay in getting them posted 
and publicly 

Thus, if one waited until the minutes had been posted before updating the 
issue as resolved/fixed,
a) the list of issues wouldn't accurately reflect the status and b) issue 
"owners" might simply forget
to update the issues, and we would be placed in the position of possibly 
recovering old ground
and in need to research the disposition, etc.

Thus, I think that what we should do is to update resolved issues 
immediately, referencing the
URL at which the public minutes of the meeting ***will eventually*** be 

As an example of what paul and I would like to see, I have changed the 
status of 3545
to FIXED and included a link to last week's minutes that WILL EVENTUALLY 
be posted, 
given that the URI at which they will be posted is predictable. 


The form for the URL for the WS-Policy WG minutes is: <yyyy>/<mm>/<dd>-ws-policy-minutes.html 


Christopher Ferris
STSM, Software Group Standards Strategy
phone: +1 508 377 9295

Received on Wednesday, 9 August 2006 15:42:52 UTC