Re: Action Item

Would it be worth having an additional final section on things to  
avoid, known common mistakes or inefficiencies to be avoided? Is  
there such a list from experience in interops?


regards, Frederick

Frederick Hirsch

On Aug 1, 2006, at 8:45 PM, ext Yalcinalp, Umit wrote:

> Folks,
> Per our action item on [1], here is our outline for the Guidelines  
> for WS-Policy Assertion Authors document.
> We realize that there is some overlap with the submitted  
> Understanding WS Policy document [2] content. Our intention is  
> however to focus on guidelines for policy authors rather than  
> detailed descriptions of the policy framework itself. We feel that  
> the content should be tailored to guiding authors in making the  
> best choices. You will find the outline illustrates this intent.
> We will prepare a detailed proposal as to which sections of the  
> UWSP document may also be used within the context of our guideline  
> as the next step.
> Cheers,
> --umit & maryann
> [1]
> [2] 
> att-0001/understanding-ws-policy-07-06-2006.pdf
> 2.0 Roles and Responsibilities in Utilizing Policy Assertions
> 2.0.1Domain owners
> 2.0.2 Consumers
> 2.1 General Guidelines for Representation of Policy Expressions and  
> Their Target Use
> 2.1.1 Compact vs Normal Policy Expressions
> 3. Guidelines for Modeling Assertions for Single Domains
> 3.1 Identifying a new Policy Domain
> 3.2 Framework considerations for Decomposing a new Policy Domain
> 3.2.1 Nested domains
> 3.2.2 Assertions with Parameters
> 3.2.3 Comparison
> 3.2.4 Self-Describing Messages
> 3.3. Considering Intersection and Merging
> 3.4.. Typing Assertions
> 3.4.1 Representing Capability vs. Constraints
> 3.4.2 Specifying and Naming Assertions
> 3.5. Subject Scoping Considerations [related to section 5]
> 3.5.1 Levels of Abstraction (i.e. portType vs endpoint)
> 3.6.1 Enabling Reuse using policy references
> 3.7. Lifecycle of Assertions
> 3.7.1 Factors in Extending Assertions
> 3.8 Evolution of Assertions (Versioning and Compatibility)
> 4. Inter-domain Policy and Composition Issues
> 5. Understanding Policy Attachment Mechanisms /Best Practices
> 5.1. Appropriate Attachment: Preserving Context-Free Policies
> 5.2. Appropriate Attachment: Identifying Assertion Subjects
> 5.2.1 Interaction between Subjects
> 5.3. Appropriate Attachment: Identifying Assertion Sources
> 5.4. Typing Attachment Mechanisms
> 6. Scenario and a worked example
> ----------------------
> Dr. Umit Yalcinalp
> Architect
> NetWeaver Industry Standards
> SAP Labs, LLC
> Email: Tel: (650) 320-3095
> SDN:

Received on Friday, 4 August 2006 21:02:06 UTC