[Bug 3703] Element within policy expression must be an assertion


------- Comment #1 from frederick.hirsch@nokia.com  2006-09-13 15:08 -------
In template format:

Description - Change sentence in 2.2 to clarify that element information item
in policy expression must be treated as an assertion

Justification -

Section 2.2 of Framework states "If an Element Information item is not
recognized, it SHOULD be treated as an assertion."

This sentence is not necessary, but if kept should state MUST.

The document is clear that an XML element contained within a Policy Expression
is always an assertion (unless wsp:Policy, wsp:ExactlyOne, wsp:All)

Target - WS-Policy Framework [1]

Change SHOULD to MUST.

Test: doc review.


Received on Wednesday, 13 September 2006 15:08:31 UTC