The note below was sent to the WS-Policy WG announcing the availability of the Mar 22 version of the WS-Policy interop scenarios.
The dashboard for the Mar 22 interop is available at [1]. It shows the IBM and Microsoft results for Round 1, the IBM results for Round 2 and the IBM, Layer 7, Microsoft, Sun and WS02 results for Round 3. I believe it also shows the current Round 4 results.
Can the WS-Policy Interop participants please check these results AND provide further updated results for your current status?
You can do this by replying to this message with the appropriate results XML file(s) attached to it. You can find the results file templates and examples of the result files in the round1-round4 directories under [2].
Felix has agreed to update the CVS repository for all provided results.
Paul Cotton, Microsoft Canada
17 Eleanor Drive, Ottawa, Ontario K2E 6A3
Tel: (613) 225-5445 Fax: (425) 936-7329
From: [] On Behalf Of Asir Vedamuthu
Sent: March 23, 2007 8:49 PM
Subject: Updated Interop Scenarios
The editorial team is pleased to deliver the updated interop scenarios and test files: Release-1-20070322<>.
This version includes all the editorial actions assigned until Wednesday, March 14th F2F meeting and is tagged on CVS (Tag = Release-1-20070322). Users may check out the tagged version directly from the CVS repository (see CVS Access<>).
On behalf of the editorial team,
Asir S Vedamuthu
Microsoft Corporation