Re: generate new diff for framework?

I notice the updated diff isn't being picked up the by the URL Paul  
sent out, is that because it is tagged? Is it appropriate to re-tag  
the updated diff file? 

regards, Frederick

Frederick Hirsch

On Jun 20, 2007, at 7:44 PM, ext Felix Sasaki wrote:

> Frederick Hirsch wrote:
>> How do we generate a new diff file for the framework? The changes  
>> I made today to fix issue 4672
>> are not reflected in the corresponding diff, even though they are  
>> in the clean html:
>> framework-diff20070605.html?rev=1.2&content-type=text/html;% 
>> 20charset=utf-8&only_with_tag=Editors-Draft-18-June-2007) (since  
>> last publication June 05, 2007)
> just run the "diff" task
> ant diff
> I did that and committed the diffs for the framework (also  
> attachment doc, which has no change).
> Felix
>> regards, Frederick
>> Frederick Hirsch
>> Nokia

Received on Thursday, 21 June 2007 20:11:15 UTC