WS-Policy - Editors' Timeline - June-July 07

This e-mail is a high level summary of what we all discussed on Wednesday June 6th. Please let me know if I missed anything.

a)  June 10th - Deliver updated scenarios document

b)  June 15th - Complete all check-ins that are related to the Framework and Attachment drafts

c)  June 18th - Candidate PR drafts are ready for delivery

d)  June 19th - Deliver candidate PR drafts (Dave O will do the honors

e)  July 5th - Complete all check-ins that are related to the Primer and Guidelines drafts

f)  July 9th - Primer and Guidelines drafts are ready for delivery

g)  July 10th - Deliver updated Primer and Guidelines drafts (just in time for the Dublin F2F


Asir S Vedamuthu
Microsoft Corporation

Received on Saturday, 9 June 2007 00:59:50 UTC