2006/ws/policy extract-glist.xsl,1.3,1.4 glossary-attachment.xml,1.3,1.4 glossary-framework.xml,1.3,1.4 ws-policy-attachment.xml,1.38,1.39 xmlspec-policy.xsl,1.2,1.3

Update of /sources/public/2006/ws/policy
In directory hutz:/tmp/cvs-serv2116/ws/policy

Modified Files:
	extract-glist.xsl glossary-attachment.xml 
	glossary-framework.xml ws-policy-attachment.xml 
Log Message:
Updated glossary generation in ws-policy-attachment.xml . For an explanatation, see the comment above <ulist role="termreference"> in the document.

Index: xmlspec-policy.xsl
RCS file: /sources/public/2006/ws/policy/xmlspec-policy.xsl,v
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -d -r1.2 -r1.3
--- xmlspec-policy.xsl	10 Sep 2006 19:17:20 -0000	1.2
+++ xmlspec-policy.xsl	23 Sep 2006 05:23:23 -0000	1.3
@@ -127,5 +127,5 @@
     <!-- Filtering term definitions in the terminology section. These are taken from the WS-Policy-Framework document and are handled separately in extract-glist.xsl .-->    
-<xsl:template match="p[termdef and parent::*[@id='Glossary' or @id='Terminology']]"/>
+<xsl:template match="ulist[@role='termreference']"/>

Index: glossary-framework.xml
RCS file: /sources/public/2006/ws/policy/glossary-framework.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -d -r1.3 -r1.4
--- glossary-framework.xml	10 Sep 2006 19:17:20 -0000	1.3
+++ glossary-framework.xml	23 Sep 2006 05:23:23 -0000	1.4
@@ -1,15 +1,105 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><glist><gitem><label><loc href="#policy">policy</loc></label><def><p>A <term>policy</term> is a collection of 
-	    <termref def="policy_alternative">policy alternatives</termref>, </p></def></gitem><gitem><label><loc href="#policy_alternative">policy alternative</loc></label><def><p>a <term>policy alternative</term> 
-	    is a collection of <termref def="policy_assertion">policy assertions</termref>.</p></def></gitem><gitem><label><loc href="#policy_assertion">policy assertion</loc></label><def><p>A <term>policy assertion</term> 
-		represents an individual requirement, capability, or other property of a behavior.</p></def></gitem><gitem><label><loc href="#policy_assertion_parameter">policy assertion parameter</loc></label><def><p>A <term>policy assertion parameter</term> 
-	    qualifies the behavior indicated by a <termref def="policy_assertion">policy assertion</termref>.</p></def></gitem><gitem><label><loc href="#policy_assertion_type">policy assertion type</loc></label><def><p>A <term>policy assertion type</term> 
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+   <gitem>
+      <label>
+         <loc href="#nested_policy_expression">nested policy expression</loc>
+      </label>
+      <def>
+         <p>A <term>nested policy expression</term> is a <termref def="policy_expression">policy expression</termref> that is an Element Information Item in the <emph role="infoset-property">children</emph> property of a <termref def="policy_assertion">policy assertion</termref>.</p>
+      </def>
+   </gitem>
+   <gitem>
+      <label>
+         <loc href="#policy">policy</loc>
+      </label>
+      <def>
+         <p>A <term>policy</term> is a collection of 
+	    <termref def="policy_alternative">policy alternatives</termref>, </p>
+      </def>
+   </gitem>
+   <gitem>
+      <label>
+         <loc href="#policy_alternative">policy alternative</loc>
+      </label>
+      <def>
+         <p>a <term>policy alternative</term> 
+	    is a collection of <termref def="policy_assertion">policy assertions</termref>.</p>
+      </def>
+   </gitem>
+   <gitem>
+      <label>
+         <loc href="#policy_assertion">policy assertion</loc>
+      </label>
+      <def>
+         <p>A <term>policy assertion</term> 
+		represents an individual requirement, capability, or other property of a behavior.</p>
+      </def>
+   </gitem>
+   <gitem>
+      <label>
+         <loc href="#policy_assertion_parameter">policy assertion parameter</loc>
+      </label>
+      <def>
+         <p>A <term>policy assertion parameter</term> 
+	    qualifies the behavior indicated by a <termref def="policy_assertion">policy assertion</termref>.</p>
+      </def>
+   </gitem>
+   <gitem>
+      <label>
+         <loc href="#policy_assertion_type">policy assertion type</loc>
+      </label>
+      <def>
+         <p>A <term>policy assertion type</term> 
 	    represents a class of <termref def="policy_assertion">policy assertions</termref> and implies a 
-	    schema for the assertion and assertion-specific semantics.</p></def></gitem><gitem><label><loc href="#policy_attachment">policy attachment</loc></label><def><p>A 
+	    schema for the assertion and assertion-specific semantics.</p>
+      </def>
+   </gitem>
+   <gitem>
+      <label>
+         <loc href="#policy_attachment">policy attachment</loc>
+      </label>
+      <def>
+         <p>A 
 	    <term>policy attachment</term> is a mechanism for associating 
-	    <termref def="policy">policy</termref> with one or more <termref def="policy_scope">policy scopes</termref>.</p></def></gitem><gitem><label><loc href="#policy_expression">policy expression</loc></label><def><p>A <term>policy expression</term> 
+	    <termref def="policy">policy</termref> with one or more <termref def="policy_scope">policy scopes</termref>.</p>
+      </def>
+   </gitem>
+   <gitem>
+      <label>
+         <loc href="#policy_expression">policy expression</loc>
+      </label>
+      <def>
+         <p>A <term>policy expression</term> 
 		is an XML Infoset representation of a <termref def="policy">policy</termref>, 
-		either in a normal form or in an equivalent compact form.</p></def></gitem><gitem><label><loc href="#policy_scope">policy scope</loc></label><def><p>A <term>policy scope</term> is a collection of 
-	    <termref def="policy_subject">policy subjects</termref> to which a policy may apply.</p></def></gitem><gitem><label><loc href="#policy_subject">policy subject</loc></label><def><p>A <term>policy subject</term> is an entity 
+		either in a normal form or in an equivalent compact form.</p>
+      </def>
+   </gitem>
+   <gitem>
+      <label>
+         <loc href="#policy_scope">policy scope</loc>
+      </label>
+      <def>
+         <p>A <term>policy scope</term> is a collection of 
+	    <termref def="policy_subject">policy subjects</termref> to which a policy may apply.</p>
+      </def>
+   </gitem>
+   <gitem>
+      <label>
+         <loc href="#policy_subject">policy subject</loc>
+      </label>
+      <def>
+         <p>A <term>policy subject</term> is an entity 
 	    (e.g., an endpoint, message, resource, interaction) with which a 
-	    <termref def="policy">policy</termref> can be associated. </p></def></gitem><gitem><label><loc href="#policy_vocabulary">policy vocabulary</loc></label><def><p>A <term>policy vocabulary</term> is the set of all 
-	    <termref def="policy_assertion_type">policy assertion types</termref> used in a policy.</p></def></gitem></glist>
\ No newline at end of file
+	    <termref def="policy">policy</termref> can be associated. </p>
+      </def>
+   </gitem>
+   <gitem>
+      <label>
+         <loc href="#policy_vocabulary">policy vocabulary</loc>
+      </label>
+      <def>
+         <p>A <term>policy vocabulary</term> is the set of all 
+	    <termref def="policy_assertion_type">policy assertion types</termref> used in a policy.</p>
+      </def>
+   </gitem>
\ No newline at end of file

Index: ws-policy-attachment.xml
RCS file: /sources/public/2006/ws/policy/ws-policy-attachment.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.38
retrieving revision 1.39
diff -u -d -r1.38 -r1.39
--- ws-policy-attachment.xml	23 Sep 2006 03:01:06 -0000	1.38
+++ ws-policy-attachment.xml	23 Sep 2006 05:23:23 -0000	1.39
@@ -276,36 +276,15 @@
 <p>We introduce the following terms that are used throughout this document:</p>
-  <!-- The following definitions are taken from the WS-Policy-Framework document. They need to be here for the automatic glossary generation. -->
-  <p><termdef id='policy' term='policy'>A <term>policy</term> is a
-collection of <termref def='policy_alternative'>policy
-alternatives</termref>. </termdef></p>
-<p><termdef id='policy_alternative' term='policy alternative'>A
-<term>policy alternative</term> is a collection of <termref
-def='policy_assertion'>policy assertions</termref>.</termdef></p>
-<p><termdef id='policy_assertion' term='policy assertion'>A
-<term>policy assertion</term> represents an individual requirement,
-capability, or other property of a behavior.</termdef></p>
-<p><termdef id='policy_expression' term='policy expression'>A
-<term>policy expression</term> is an XML Infoset representation of a
-<termref def='policy'>policy</termref>, either in a normal form or in
-an equivalent compact form. </termdef></p>
-<p><termdef id='policy_subject' term='policy subject'>A <term>policy
-subject</term> is an entity (e.g., an endpoint, message, resource,
-interaction) with which a <termref def='policy'>policy</termref> can
-be associated. </termdef></p>
-<p><termdef id='policy_scope' term='policy scope'>A <term>policy
-scope</term> is a collection of <termref def='policy_subject'>policy
-subjects</termref> to which a policy may apply.</termdef></p>
-<p><termdef id='policy_attachment' term='policy attachment'>A
-<term>policy attachment</term> is a mechanism for associating <termref
-def='policy'>policy</termref> with one or more <termref
-def='policy_scope'>policy scopes</termref>.</termdef></p>
+  <!-- The following definitions are taken from the WS-Policy-Framework document. They need to be here for the automatic glossary generation. Use the value of the ID for the termdef element in ws-policy-framework.xml inside a p element.--><ulist role="termreference">
+      <item><p>policy</p></item>
+      <item><p>policy_alternative</p></item>
+      <item><p>policy_assertion</p></item>
+      <item><p>policy_expression</p></item>
+      <item><p>policy_subject</p></item>
+      <item><p>policy_scope</p></item>
+      <item><p>policy_attachment</p></item>
+  </ulist>
       <div2 id='Example'>

Index: extract-glist.xsl
RCS file: /sources/public/2006/ws/policy/extract-glist.xsl,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -d -r1.3 -r1.4
--- extract-glist.xsl	10 Sep 2006 19:17:20 -0000	1.3
+++ extract-glist.xsl	23 Sep 2006 05:23:23 -0000	1.4
@@ -1,14 +1,29 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+- generate variable for attachment doc. which pulls out the referenced definitions from the framework doc.
+- have an <xsl:apply-templates select="//termdef | $someVar"> for this
+- change the " Filtering term definitions" part of xmlspec-policy.xsl so that the 
 <!DOCTYPE xsl:stylesheet
 <!ENTITY % entities SYSTEM "entities.dtd" >
 <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" version="2.0">
+<xsl:output encoding="UTF-8" indent="yes"/>
     <xsl:template match="/">
+        <xsl:variable name="referencedTerms">
+            <ulist role="referencedTerms">
+            <xsl:for-each select="//ulist[@role='termreference']/item">
+                <xsl:variable name="termRefId">
+                    <xsl:value-of select="p"/>
+                </xsl:variable>
+                <xsl:copy-of select=" doc('ws-policy-framework.xml')//termdef[string(@id)=string($termRefId)]"/>
+            </xsl:for-each>
+            </ulist>
+        </xsl:variable>
-            <xsl:apply-templates select="//termdef">
+            <xsl:apply-templates select="//termdef | $referencedTerms//termdef">
                 <xsl:sort select="@term"/>
@@ -17,7 +32,7 @@
     <xsl:template match="termdef">
-                <xsl:when test="ancestor::*[@id='Glossary']">
+                <xsl:when test="ancestor::ulist[@role='referencedTerms']">
                     <!-- For terms which are defined in the framework document. These are only cited in the attachment document (the "terminology" section) and need special handling.-->

Index: glossary-attachment.xml
RCS file: /sources/public/2006/ws/policy/glossary-attachment.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -d -r1.3 -r1.4
--- glossary-attachment.xml	10 Sep 2006 19:17:20 -0000	1.3
+++ glossary-attachment.xml	23 Sep 2006 05:23:23 -0000	1.4
@@ -1,27 +1,105 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><glist><gitem><label><loc href="#effective_policy">effective policy</loc></label><def><p>the
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+   <gitem>
+      <label>
+         <loc href="#effective_policy">effective policy</loc>
+      </label>
+      <def>
+         <p>the
 <term>effective policy</term>, for a given <termref def="policy_subject">policy subject</termref>, is the 
 combination of relevant policies. The relevant policies are those
 attached to <termref def="policy_scope">policy scopes</termref> that
-contain the <termref def="policy_subject">policy subject</termref>.</p></def></gitem><gitem><label><loc href="#element_policy">element policy</loc></label><def><p>The
+contain the <termref def="policy_subject">policy subject</termref>.</p>
+      </def>
+   </gitem>
+   <gitem>
+      <label>
+         <loc href="#element_policy">element policy</loc>
+      </label>
+      <def>
+         <p>The
 	<term>element policy</term> is the <termref def="policy">policy</termref> attached to the <termref def="policy_subject">policy subjects</termref> associated with
-	the element information item that contains it.</p></def></gitem><gitem><label><loc href="#merge">merge</loc></label><def><p>a <term>merge</term>
+	the element information item that contains it.</p>
+      </def>
+   </gitem>
+   <gitem>
+      <label>
+         <loc href="#merge">merge</loc>
+      </label>
+      <def>
+         <p>a <term>merge</term>
 	consists of serializing each policy as a
 	<termref def="policy_expression">policy expression</termref>, replacing their
 	<el>wsp:Policy</el> element with a
 	<el>wsp:All</el> element, and placing each as
 	children of a wrapper <el>wsp:Policy</el>
-	element.</p></def></gitem><gitem><label><loc href="ws-policy-framework.html#policy">policy</loc></label><def><p id="policy">A <term>policy</term> is a
-collection of <termref def="policy_alternative">policy
-alternatives</termref>. </p></def></gitem><gitem><label><loc href="ws-policy-framework.html#policy_alternative">policy alternative</loc></label><def><p id="policy_alternative">A
-<term>policy alternative</term> is a collection of <termref def="policy_assertion">policy assertions</termref>.</p></def></gitem><gitem><label><loc href="ws-policy-framework.html#policy_assertion">policy assertion</loc></label><def><p id="policy_assertion">A
-<term>policy assertion</term> represents an individual requirement,
-capability, or other property of a behavior.</p></def></gitem><gitem><label><loc href="ws-policy-framework.html#policy_attachment">policy attachment</loc></label><def><p id="policy_attachment">A
-<term>policy attachment</term> is a mechanism for associating <termref def="policy">policy</termref> with one or more <termref def="policy_scope">policy scopes</termref>.</p></def></gitem><gitem><label><loc href="ws-policy-framework.html#policy_expression">policy expression</loc></label><def><p id="policy_expression">A
-<term>policy expression</term> is an XML Infoset representation of a
-<termref def="policy">policy</termref>, either in a normal form or in
-an equivalent compact form. </p></def></gitem><gitem><label><loc href="ws-policy-framework.html#policy_scope">policy scope</loc></label><def><p id="policy_scope">A <term>policy
-scope</term> is a collection of <termref def="policy_subject">policy
-subjects</termref> to which a policy may apply.</p></def></gitem><gitem><label><loc href="ws-policy-framework.html#policy_subject">policy subject</loc></label><def><p id="policy_subject">A <term>policy
-subject</term> is an entity (e.g., an endpoint, message, resource,
-interaction) with which a <termref def="policy">policy</termref> can
-be associated. </p></def></gitem></glist>
\ No newline at end of file
+	element.</p>
+      </def>
+   </gitem>
+   <gitem>
+      <label>
+         <loc href="ws-policy-framework.html#policy">policy</loc>
+      </label>
+      <def>
+         <p id="policy">A <term>policy</term> is a collection of 
+	    <termref def="policy_alternative">policy alternatives</termref>, </p>
+      </def>
+   </gitem>
+   <gitem>
+      <label>
+         <loc href="ws-policy-framework.html#policy_alternative">policy alternative</loc>
+      </label>
+      <def>
+         <p id="policy_alternative">a <term>policy alternative</term> 
+	    is a collection of <termref def="policy_assertion">policy assertions</termref>.</p>
+      </def>
+   </gitem>
+   <gitem>
+      <label>
+         <loc href="ws-policy-framework.html#policy_assertion">policy assertion</loc>
+      </label>
+      <def>
+         <p id="policy_assertion">A <term>policy assertion</term> 
+		represents an individual requirement, capability, or other property of a behavior.</p>
+      </def>
+   </gitem>
+   <gitem>
+      <label>
+         <loc href="ws-policy-framework.html#policy_attachment">policy attachment</loc>
+      </label>
+      <def>
+         <p id="policy_attachment">A 
+	    <term>policy attachment</term> is a mechanism for associating 
+	    <termref def="policy">policy</termref> with one or more <termref def="policy_scope">policy scopes</termref>.</p>
+      </def>
+   </gitem>
+   <gitem>
+      <label>
+         <loc href="ws-policy-framework.html#policy_expression">policy expression</loc>
+      </label>
+      <def>
+         <p id="policy_expression">A <term>policy expression</term> 
+		is an XML Infoset representation of a <termref def="policy">policy</termref>, 
+		either in a normal form or in an equivalent compact form.</p>
+      </def>
+   </gitem>
+   <gitem>
+      <label>
+         <loc href="ws-policy-framework.html#policy_scope">policy scope</loc>
+      </label>
+      <def>
+         <p id="policy_scope">A <term>policy scope</term> is a collection of 
+	    <termref def="policy_subject">policy subjects</termref> to which a policy may apply.</p>
+      </def>
+   </gitem>
+   <gitem>
+      <label>
+         <loc href="ws-policy-framework.html#policy_subject">policy subject</loc>
+      </label>
+      <def>
+         <p id="policy_subject">A <term>policy subject</term> is an entity 
+	    (e.g., an endpoint, message, resource, interaction) with which a 
+	    <termref def="policy">policy</termref> can be associated. </p>
+      </def>
+   </gitem>
\ No newline at end of file

Received on Saturday, 23 September 2006 05:23:32 UTC