Re: Editorial pass complete, action 84 complete.

Frederick Hirsch wrote:
> I am done with my editorial pass and action 84, and am passing this to
> Asir to generate the redline for editorial team review. The guidelines
> xml document is checked in.
> Note I did not check in the corresponding html, since there are
> conflicts and I'm not sure how to say override the remote version with
> the local version, maybe someone can please explain how to do this
> without merging each change individually.

I think that is explained it , in sec. "Resolving CVS
conflicts with Text Compare", see "copy all non-conflicting changes from
right to left" or "copy current change from right to left".


> regards, Frederick
> Frederick Hirsch
> Nokia

Received on Thursday, 30 November 2006 04:56:03 UTC