Today's concall

Hi folks!

Apologies once again for getting pulled into other things and not following through on my PFTF responsibilities. :(  At this point, I believe we're sort of waiting on my action items to continue (in particular, writing up a more detailed version of S2 so that we can move forward with scenarios).

So unless folks have other agenda items which they'd like the group to discuss (or would be interested in a freeform P/F discussion), I propose we postpone today's telcon and I'll spend the time trying to get the writeup done and tune back in to the ongoing discussion (in particular, culling out an issues list is a priority for me).

If several folks pipe up with an interest in chatting today, we can still do the call.  Otherwise, I'll talk to you all next week, and hopefully sooner than that via email.


Received on Tuesday, 22 April 2003 08:57:21 UTC