- From: Mark Nottingham <mark.nottingham@bea.com>
- Date: Thu, 11 Mar 2004 17:26:29 -0800
- To: "Martin Gudgin" <mgudgin@microsoft.com>
- Cc: "Anish Karmarkar" <Anish.Karmarkar@oracle.com>, <public-ws-media-types@w3.org>, "Umit Yalcinalp" <umit.yalcinalp@oracle.com>
So it looks like we're back to square one. Are we agreed that we should say something to Schema about this? On Mar 11, 2004, at 5:08 PM, Martin Gudgin wrote: > > >> -----Original Message----- >> From: Umit Yalcinalp [mailto:umit.yalcinalp@oracle.com] >> Sent: 11 March 2004 22:51 >> To: Anish Karmarkar >> Cc: Mark Nottingham; Martin Gudgin; public-ws-media-types@w3.org >> Subject: Re: Draft Proposal for Assigning Media Types >> >> >> >> Anish Karmarkar wrote: >> >>> >>> This approach does not work if I have two elements of type >>> base64Binary occurring in the same wsdl/schema and their >> media-types >>> are different. E.g., I have element A with media-type of image/jpeg >>> and another element B with media-type of >> application/octet-stream and >>> I want to indicate in the schema the media-type of each element. >>> >>> Given that both the elements will use the same MediaType >> attribute, I >>> cannot define/redefine the MediaType attribute to satisfy >> the mutually >>> exclusive media-types. >>> >>> May be I misunderstood the suggestion. >> >> That is what I understood as well. Gudge, could you clarify? > > No, you're correct. I only realised this limitation after I'd sent my > previous mail and hadn't had chance to point it out myself. > > :-( > > Gudge > >> >>> >>> >>> I also don't like the idea of having everyone defining a >> schema for an >>> attribute in a namespace that is owned by someone else. Kinda goes >>> against accepted practices. >> >>> >>> >>> -Anish >>> -- >>> >>> Mark Nottingham wrote: >>> >>>> >>>> On Mar 11, 2004, at 4:58 AM, Martin Gudgin wrote: >>>> >>>>> We could do it today, here's one option; >>>>> >>>>> 1. Write a schema which defines xop:MediaType >> attribute as the open >>>>> pattern for media types >>>>> >>>>> 2. Write a second schema that redefines the type of >> xop:MediaType >>>>> to be some restriction of the media type pattern, e,g, image/jpeg >>>>> >>>>> 3. Ref xop:MediaType attribute in second schema from schema in >>>>> WSDL. >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> Doing it in regex? Oof. >>>> >>>>> Alternatively we could also just tell people to write a >> schema for >>>>> the xop namespace that defines a MediaType attribute with the >>>>> required values. >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> So, we supply the name, the supply the substance? I could >> live with >>>> that. Umit, Anish? >>>> >>>> >>>>> WSDL tools would process either of the above just fine. >>>>> >>>>> Gudge >>>>> >>>>> >>>>>> -----Original Message----- >>>>>> From: Anish Karmarkar [mailto:Anish.Karmarkar@oracle.com] >>>>>> Sent: 11 March 2004 02:33 >>>>>> To: Mark Nottingham >>>>>> Cc: public-ws-media-types@w3.org; Umit Yalcinalp; Martin Gudgin >>>>>> Subject: Re: Draft Proposal for Assigning Media Types >>>>>> >>>>>> Mark Nottingham wrote: >>>>>> >>>>>>> It's probably safest to ask Gudge to characterise exactly >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> what we need >>>>>> >>>>>>> :) >>>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> LOL. >>>>>> >>>>>> I believe Gudge was talking about using substitution groups and >>>>>> concluded that one could not do that with attributes. >>>>>> >>>>>>> All that I'm saying is that we had what seemed to be a >> reasonable >>>>>>> requirement that Schema couldn't fulfil. We should give that >>>>>>> information to the Schema WG as input to their process. >>>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> +1 >>>>>> >>>>>>> Regards, >>>>>>> >>>>>>> On Mar 10, 2004, at 5:36 PM, Anish Karmarkar wrote: >>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Mark, >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Are you suggesting that we ask that XML schema support >> attribute >>>>>>>> substitution group? >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Even if there were a attribute substitution group, that >>>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> would still >>>>>> >>>>>>>> be a problem because one of the goals was to have a "standard" >>>>>>>> attribute in a namespace that would indicate the media type of >>>>>>>> base64Binary data in a doc instance. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> -Anish >>>>>>>> -- >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Mark Nottingham wrote: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Based on our discussion in Cannes, I'm not opposed to the >>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> outlined >>>>>> >>>>>>>>> approach. However, I think we (WSDL and XMLP) should >>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> raise an issue >>>>>> >>>>>>>>> with XML Schema regarding the ability to constrain an >>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> attribute in >>>>>> >>>>>>>>> the manner we would have liked to. >>>>>>>>> regards, >>>>>>>>> On Feb 10, 2004, at 11:39 PM, Anish Karmarkar wrote: >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Umit Yalcinalp wrote: >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Mark Nottingham wrote: >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Umit, >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for the proposal. A few comments; >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Hi Mark, >>>>>>>>>>> I am glad that finally we are moving on. ;-) Thanks for >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> your comments. >>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> * It seems like there's a lot of >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> SOAP/WSDL/MTOM-specific language >>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> and rationale in this draft. Although I understand >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> this work is >>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> motivated by Web services, it's critical that any >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> mechanism like >>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> this gets the broadest possible adoption, so that Web >>>>>>>>>>>> services stacks can leverage this information in any XML it >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> comes across, >>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> not just those that have been born (and will die) in a >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> controlled >>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> SOAP message exchange. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> That is an interesting point. The note only addresses the >>>>>>>>>>> declaration of the expected and actual media-type in the >>>>>>>>>>> schema and since there is no established support for media >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> types in the >>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> schema. The motivation, however, is definitely >> coming from Web >>>>>>>>>>> Services angle, wouldn't you agree? We are jointly working >>>>>>>>>>> towards publishing this note as WSD and XMLP wgs. >> Hence, I see >>>>>>>>>>> that it is only natural that we indicate why we decided >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> to do this >>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> and use our starting points as references. If you >> would like >>>>>>>>>>> to suggest additional points to be added, would you please >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> send them. >>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> I think we need to achieve a careful balance here. It >>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> would be good >>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> to make the mechanism generic enough that non-Web >>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> services related >>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> XML technologies can leverage/utilize this if they >>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> chooses to do so. >>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> I think the proposal achieves that. It would be good to >>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> call that >>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> out. But I don't think we should go too far and say >> that this >>>>>>>>>> is >>>>>>>>>> *the* mechanism for representing media-types for all XML >>>>>>>>>> technologies (not sure if that is what you meant). >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> * Some rationale needs to be given as to why only media >>>>>>>>>>>> types, instead of content types, are addressed. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> I was going to send an email regarding this. I don't see >>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> why this >>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> should be restricted to media types only. I think we >>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> should allow >>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> content-types. The rationale for doing so is -- media types >>>>>>>>>> RFCs are allowed to specify mandatory parameters. >> Makes sense? >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> * The document refers to problems with using URIs in >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> the content >>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> of the mediaType attribute. What are they? >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> I did not want to repeat the discussions that have >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> occured in XMLP >>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> meetings. It appears that it would be useful to repeat the >>>>>>>>>>> discussion in the document as well. I will do that. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> * The acceptableMediaTypes attribute effectively defines a >>>>>>>>>>>> protocol. This seems very application-specific, >> hides a lot >>>>>>>>>>>> of information in ways that isn't accessible to XML tools, >>>>>>>>>>>> and reproduces a number of problems that are already >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> evident in HTTP >>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> content negotiation. Why is it necessary to define >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> this mechanism >>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> at all, when it's just as viable to use Schema to >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> constrain what >>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> values are acceptable (for example)? >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> I am not sure I understand what you are proposing as an >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> alternate >>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> approach. >>>>>>>>>>> We simply have two problems at hand. >>>>>>>>>>> (1) declaring the possible range of values that binary data >>>>>>>>>>> may have (that is known) when schema is created. (image/*) >>>>>>>>>>> (2) declaration of the actual media type that is >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> specified by the >>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> document. (image/jpeg) For (1), we have discussed >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> several ways of >>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> capturing this information in the WSDL wg, namely >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> declaring the >>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> same information via Schema annotations , Schema >> notations, as >>>>>>>>>>> well as replicating the possible range of values with >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> additional >>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> types that mimic the media type hierarchy. >>>>>>>>>>> After discussing the possibilities at our f2f meetings, an >>>>>>>>>>> attribute indicating the range of possible values for a >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> media-type >>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> appeared to be the simplest way of doing so [1]. Note >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> the current >>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> proposal is equivalent to using Schema Annotations. The >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> attribute >>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> value could be also incorporated within an appinfo element >>>>>>>>>>> and for all technical purposes, IMO, it is equivalent to >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> the proposal >>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> we circulated. >>>>>>>>>>> Are you suggesting that we should utilize Schema >> Annotations >>>>>>>>>>> instead or are you suggesting another way of >> accomplishing the >>>>>>>>>>> same thing? If you are suggesting that we constrain the >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> range of >>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> values that are possible to declare an media type, lets >>>>>>>>>>> discuss what the acceptable set should be to avoid >> the content >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> negotiation >>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> problems that you are referring to. We were aware >> that this is >>>>>>>>>>> rather a liberal set. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> * Section four appears to define a new type of >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> Information Item. >>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Is this really necessary? Indeed, why is this section >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> necessary >>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> at all? >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> This is to accomplish (2), namely the document needs to >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> indicate >>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> the "actual" media-type of the binary data. Again, it >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> is by using >>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> an additional attribute that the "binary" element would >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> carry and >>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> indicate the media-type of the element in the document. I >>>>>>>>>>> don't think that we can get away by not doing this, namely >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> declare only >>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> (1) the range of expected media types but not say >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> anything about >>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> the actual (concrete) media type in the document >> itself. The >>>>>>>>>>> document is always required to indicate its "concrete" >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> media type, >>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> otherwise media-type declared in (1) such as (*/*) >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> would allow any >>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> content to appear and would not be very useful for >>>>>>>>>>> interpreting the media type. >>>>>>>>>>> Therefore, I would appreciate if you could clarify why >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> you review >>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> this section to be redundant. If it is the spec >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> language used that >>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> may be confusing, lets discuss. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Cheers, >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Thanks. >>>>>>>>>>> --umit >>>>>>>>>>> [1] >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-ws-desc/2003Sep/0218.html >>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> -- >>>>>>>>>>>> Mark Nottingham Principal Technologist >>>>>>>>>>>> Office of the CTO BEA Systems >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> -- >>>>>>>>> Mark Nottingham Principal Technologist >>>>>>>>> Office of the CTO BEA Systems >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> -- >>>>>>> Mark Nottingham Principal Technologist >>>>>>> Office of the CTO BEA Systems >>>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>> >>>> -- >>>> Mark Nottingham Principal Technologist >>>> Office of the CTO BEA Systems >>>> >>> >> >> -- >> Umit Yalcinalp >> Consulting Member of Technical Staff >> ORACLE >> Phone: +1 650 607 6154 >> Email: umit.yalcinalp@oracle.com >> >> >> >> >> -- Mark Nottingham Principal Technologist Office of the CTO BEA Systems
Received on Thursday, 11 March 2004 20:26:38 UTC