RE: Attributes, yes. Set/Get operations, no.


I get the feeling that in points 2 and 3 you make the assumption that
the services are stateful. Unlike OGSI, Web services are not stateful.
There are no concurrency related concerns there. Application domain
specific infrastructures, like OGSI, can apply semantics like
statefulness to Web services and then they will have to deal with
concurrency issues. However, such issues do not exist in Web services
where message exchange is the only thing that is defined.

Attributes should just be convenient way to describe a message exchange
pattern where a message is returned/sent from/to a service. Nothing
more, nothing less. What extra semantics are applied to attributes or to
the services that have attributes as part of their interfaces should be
application domain specific.

Just my 2c,


Received on Monday, 21 July 2003 08:11:51 UTC