Potential meeting times analyzed

It looks like none of the proposed times will work for everyone.  At least
one person (umit or sanjiva) cannot be accommodated.  Given the
number of people (7 responded) and their geographical distribution,
I doubt we'll find any other time that works for everyone.   So I
think our best option is to meet twice a week, choosing one time
that works for umit and the other that works for sanjiva.

The best times look like:

1300_EST_(UTC-5)_Mondays    (only sanjiva cannot)
1200_EST_(UTC-5)_Wednesdays (only umit cannot)

I will ask for a bridge for these times; one hour each.


In case you are interested in the data, here are the
choices, listed according to the number of people who CAN meet
at that time, even if they would prefer not to meet at that time.
(I.e., any vote of -1 or above.)   This is the data that I used
first.  (FYI, I am not listed in the "Who cannot" column because
I can make any of the proposed times.)

Choice                  # can Who cannot
======                  ===== ==========
1100_EST_(UTC-5)_Mondays    6 umit
1300_EST_(UTC-5)_Fridays    6 sanjiva
1200_EST_(UTC-5)_Wednesdays 6 umit
1300_EST_(UTC-5)_Mondays    6 sanjiva
1500_EST_(UTC-5)_Fridays    5 sanjiva mgudgin
1230_EST_(UTC-5)_Thursdays  5 alewis jmarsh
1500_EST_(UTC-5)_Mondays    5 sanjiva mgudgin
1100_EST_(UTC-5)_Fridays    5 umit jmarsh
1430_EST_(UTC-5)_Thursdays  4 umit sanjiva mgudgin
1300_EST_(UTC-5)_Tuesdays   4 sanjiva mgudgin jmarsh
1400_EST_(UTC-5)_Tuesdays   4 sanjiva mgudgin jmarsh
1500_EST_(UTC-5)_Tuesdays   4 sanjiva mgudgin jmarsh
1400_EST_(UTC-5)_Wednesdays 4 sanjiva mgudgin jeffsch
1000_EST_(UTC-5)_Wednesdays 4 umit jeffsch jmarsh
1700_EST_(UTC-5)_Thursdays  3 alewis sanjiva mgudgin jeffsch

And here are people's weighted preferences.  (A larger "Sum of Ratings"
was more prefered by more people.)  This is the data I used to choose
from among the top 4 choices above.

Choice                     Sum of Ratings
=====                      ==============
1200_EST_(UTC-5)_Wednesdays  0
1300_EST_(UTC-5)_Mondays     0
1100_EST_(UTC-5)_Mondays    -1
1300_EST_(UTC-5)_Tuesdays   -1
1300_EST_(UTC-5)_Fridays    -1
1100_EST_(UTC-5)_Fridays    -2
1500_EST_(UTC-5)_Mondays    -3
1500_EST_(UTC-5)_Fridays    -4
1430_EST_(UTC-5)_Thursdays  -5
1230_EST_(UTC-5)_Thursdays  -5
1400_EST_(UTC-5)_Tuesdays   -5
1500_EST_(UTC-5)_Tuesdays   -5
1000_EST_(UTC-5)_Wednesdays -5
1400_EST_(UTC-5)_Wednesdays -7
1700_EST_(UTC-5)_Thursdays  -8

David Booth
W3C Fellow / Hewlett-Packard
Telephone: +1.617.253.1273

Received on Monday, 24 March 2003 19:37:38 UTC