2002/ws/desc/wsdl20 wsdl20-adjuncts.xml,1.258,1.259

Update of /sources/public/2002/ws/desc/wsdl20
In directory hutz:/tmp/cvs-serv31733

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Implement the resolution for CR156 at the proper location (i.e. 6.5.4).

Index: wsdl20-adjuncts.xml
RCS file: /sources/public/2002/ws/desc/wsdl20/wsdl20-adjuncts.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.258
retrieving revision 1.259
diff -C 2 -d -r1.258 -r1.259
*** wsdl20-adjuncts.xml	13 Mar 2007 16:50:31 -0000	1.258
--- wsdl20-adjuncts.xml	14 Mar 2007 08:48:02 -0000	1.259
*** 3530,3534 ****
! 		      <p>A type of <emph>xs:string</emph> whose length facet value is <emph><attval>1</attval></emph></p>
--- 3530,3541 ----
! 		      <p>A type of <emph>xs:string</emph> whose length facet value is <emph><attval>1</attval></emph>.
! 		      The allowed characters are:
! 		      <code>"&amp;" | ";" | ALPHA | DIGIT | "-" | "." | "_" | "~" | "!" |
! 		      "$" | "'" | "(" | ")" | "*" | "+" | "," | ":" | "@" | "?" | "/"</code>,
! 		      with <code>"&amp;"</code> and <code>";"</code> being in practice
! 		      the most common cases. <code>ALPHA</code> and <code>DIGIT</code> are defined as per
!                 <bibref ref="RFC2234"/>.
! 		      </p>
*** 3574,3578 ****
  		  <p>A type of <emph>xs:string</emph> whose length
! 		  facet value is <emph><attval>1</attval></emph></p>
--- 3581,3588 ----
  		  <p>A type of <emph>xs:string</emph> whose length
! 		  facet value is <emph><attval>1</attval></emph>.
! 		  The allowed characters are the same as for the
! 		  <prop comp="Binding Operation">http query parameter separator</prop>
! 		  property.</p>
*** 4273,4277 ****
                  <item><p>The characters in the range: <code>"&amp;" | ";" | "!" | "$" | "'" | "(" |
!                 ")" | "*" | "+" | "," | ":" | "@"</code>
                  SHOULD be percent-encoded.</p></item>
                  <item><p>The other characters, EXCEPT the ones in the range:
--- 4283,4287 ----
                  <item><p>The characters in the range: <code>"&amp;" | ";" | "!" | "$" | "'" | "(" |
!                 ")" | "*" | "+" | "," | "=" | ":" | "@"</code>
                  SHOULD be percent-encoded.</p></item>
                  <item><p>The other characters, EXCEPT the ones in the range:
*** 4295,4299 ****
  	    separator default</prop> property, MUST be percent-encoded.</p></item>
                  <item><p>The characters in the range: <code>"&amp;" | ";" | "!" | "$" | "'" | "(" |
!                 ")" | "*" | "+" | "," | ":" | "@" | "?" | "/"</code>
                  SHOULD be percent-encoded.</p></item>
                  <item><p>The other characters, EXCEPT the ones in the range:
--- 4305,4309 ----
  	    separator default</prop> property, MUST be percent-encoded.</p></item>
                  <item><p>The characters in the range: <code>"&amp;" | ";" | "!" | "$" | "'" | "(" |
!                 ")" | "*" | "+" | "," | "=" | ":" | "@" | "?" | "/"</code>
                  SHOULD be percent-encoded.</p></item>
                  <item><p>The other characters, EXCEPT the ones in the range:
*** 4319,4327 ****
  				<p>Note that the mechanism described in this section could be used to
  				indicate the entire absolute IRI, including the scheme, host, or port, for example:
! 				<eg>{scheme}://{host}:{port}/temperature/{town}</eg> or even: <eg>{!myIRI}</eg></p>
! 				<p>Note that <code>&amp;</code> and
! 				<code>;</code> are the most commonly accepted HTTP query parameter separators.</p>
--- 4329,4333 ----
  				<p>Note that the mechanism described in this section could be used to
  				indicate the entire absolute IRI, including the scheme, host, or port, for example:
! 				<eg>{scheme}://{host}:{port}/temperature/{town}</eg> or even: <eg>{!myIRI}</eg></p>				
*** 5489,5492 ****
--- 5495,5505 ----
+ 	    	<td>20070314</td>
+ 	    	<td>JJM</td>
+ 	        <td>Implement the resolution for CR156 at the proper location (i.e. 6.5.4).
+ 	        </td>
+ 	    </tr>
+ 	    <tr>

Received on Wednesday, 14 March 2007 08:48:10 UTC