2002/ws/desc/wsdl20 wsdl20.xml,1.438,1.439

Update of /sources/public/2002/ws/desc/wsdl20
In directory hutz:/tmp/cvs-serv10547

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Index: wsdl20.xml
RCS file: /sources/public/2002/ws/desc/wsdl20/wsdl20.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.438
retrieving revision 1.439
diff -C 2 -d -r1.438 -r1.439
*** wsdl20.xml	20 Feb 2007 09:41:53 -0000	1.438
--- wsdl20.xml	20 Feb 2007 09:46:25 -0000	1.439
*** 1886,1890 ****
         of related component definitions and represents an unambiguous
         name for the intended semantics of the collection of components.
!        <assert class="component" id="Description-1201001" required="false">The value of the <att>targetNamespace</att> &AII; SHOULD be dereferenceable.</assert>
         <assert class="component" id="Description-1201002" required="false">It SHOULD resolve to a human or machine
         processable document that directly or indirectly defines the
--- 1886,1890 ----
         of related component definitions and represents an unambiguous
         name for the intended semantics of the collection of components.
!        <assert class="component" id="Description-1201001" required="false">The value of the <att>targetNamespace</att> &AII; SHOULD be dereferencable.</assert>
         <assert class="component" id="Description-1201002" required="false">It SHOULD resolve to a human or machine
         processable document that directly or indirectly defines the
*** 2053,2057 ****
  		<assert class="document" id="Description-0025">Its value 
          MUST be an absolute IRI (see <bibref ref="RFC3987"/>)
!         and should be dereferenceable.</assert>
--- 2053,2057 ----
  		<assert class="document" id="Description-0025">Its value 
          MUST be an absolute IRI (see <bibref ref="RFC3987"/>)
!         and should be dereferencable.</assert>
*** 8920,8925 ****
  <p>Furthermore, this specification DOES NOT require the
! <att>location</att> &AII; to be dereferenceable. If it is not
! dereferenceable then no information about the imported namespace is
  provided by that <el>wsdl:import</el> &EII;. It is possible that such lack
  of information can cause QNames in other parts of a WSDL 2.0 <comp>Description</comp>
--- 8920,8925 ----
  <p>Furthermore, this specification DOES NOT require the
! <att>location</att> &AII; to be dereferencable. If it is not
! dereferencable then no information about the imported namespace is
  provided by that <el>wsdl:import</el> &EII;. It is possible that such lack
  of information can cause QNames in other parts of a WSDL 2.0 <comp>Description</comp>
*** 8991,8997 ****
   value of <att>targetNamespace</att> &AII; in the enclosing WSDL 2.0 document.</assert> 
   <assert class="document" id="Import-0072">If the location attribute in the <el>import</el> &EII; 
!  is dereferenceable then it MUST reference a WSDL 2.0 document.</assert>
   <assert class="document" id="Import-1402001">
!  If the <att>location</att> &AII; of the <el>import</el> &EII; is dereferenceable, then
   the actual value of the 
   <att>namespace</att> &AII; MUST be identical to the 
--- 8991,8997 ----
   value of <att>targetNamespace</att> &AII; in the enclosing WSDL 2.0 document.</assert> 
   <assert class="document" id="Import-0072">If the location attribute in the <el>import</el> &EII; 
!  is dereferencable then it MUST reference a WSDL 2.0 document.</assert>
   <assert class="document" id="Import-1402001">
!  If the <att>location</att> &AII; of the <el>import</el> &EII; is dereferencable, then
   the actual value of the 
   <att>namespace</att> &AII; MUST be identical to the 
*** 9422,9426 ****
        elements <bibref ref="WSDL11"/>)
        for that namespace name.</assert> The second IRI of a pair MAY be absolute or relative.
!       <assert class="document" id="Location-1700000">For each pair of IRIs, if the location IRI of the pair is dereferenceable then it MUST reference
        a WSDL 2.0 (or 1.1) document whose target namespace is the namespace IRI of the pair.</assert>
--- 9422,9426 ----
        elements <bibref ref="WSDL11"/>)
        for that namespace name.</assert> The second IRI of a pair MAY be absolute or relative.
!       <assert class="document" id="Location-1700000">For each pair of IRIs, if the location IRI of the pair is dereferencable then it MUST reference
        a WSDL 2.0 (or 1.1) document whose target namespace is the namespace IRI of the pair.</assert>
*** 12107,12111 ****
  		However, in keeping with the recommendation in
  		<specref ref="Description_details" />
! 		that the namespace URI be dereferenceable to a WSDL 2.0 document,
  		this appendix specifies the use of the namespace IRI with the
  		WSDL 2.0 fragment identifiers to form an IRI-reference.
--- 12107,12111 ----
  		However, in keeping with the recommendation in
  		<specref ref="Description_details" />
! 		that the namespace URI be dereferencable to a WSDL 2.0 document,
  		this appendix specifies the use of the namespace IRI with the
  		WSDL 2.0 fragment identifiers to form an IRI-reference.
*** 13614,13618 ****
         <td><loc href="http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/desc/4/lc-issues/issues.html#LC75w">LC75w</loc>: 
!            Removed "is not dereferenceable or" from section 4.1.1 and removed references to
             a WSDL processor.</td>
--- 13614,13618 ----
         <td><loc href="http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/desc/4/lc-issues/issues.html#LC75w">LC75w</loc>: 
!            Removed "is not dereferencable or" from section 4.1.1 and removed references to
             a WSDL processor.</td>

Received on Tuesday, 20 February 2007 09:46:33 UTC